Saturday, August 23, 2008

Well, I did it

I finally joined the blog revolution.

It seems like our family has gotten quite busy lately and I wanted a place where we could let everyone know what we're doing.

So ..what's been going on with us?

1) First Learning Center - Emily starts Mother's Day Out this week! She's in the Zippity Zebra class. We went to Open House this week and met her teachers. We looked at the wall calendar and noticed that all the kids in here three-year-old class were born in May, June or July. Wow! Consequently, there are FIVE three-year-old classes. I think she's pretty excited about "school" starting. I better get started on her photo placemat that she'll need for the first day.

2) AWANA Cubbies - I'm going to be a leader/helper in one of the (four!) three-year-old classes. Emily is going to be in a different three-year-old class. We went to Registration this week and got her Cubbies vest and bag. So cute! I have never been involved in AWANAs before, but I didn't realize that they actually expect three and four-year-olds to recite Bible verses from memory. As soon as I heard this, I started working with Emily on the Cubbies motto - "Jesus Loves Me" ... and she says "Jesus Loves Mama". Haha, so close!

3) Emily is starting Tumble Tots this week! When I called for registration, I asked about what kids wear to Tumble Tots and they said to wear shorts and a t-shirt. I secretly hope some kids wear leotards the first week so that I can get some for Emily.

So, like I said, we've become very busy lately.

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