Monday, September 5, 2011

Happy Labor Day

Happy Labor Day everyone!

I hope you all are having a great holiday weekend.

I feel like I have a lot of things to talk so I'm going to break them down into smaller bites.

Friday Night Lights

On Friday night after work, Mike and I went out to dinner with some of his friends from work. One of his co-workers recently completed her cancer treatments and we wanted to help her celebrate!

We went to Cheesecake Factory. We had lots of good food and lots of good conversation. We hardly ever get a night away like this so it was a nice change for us.

Mike's mom and dad watched the kids. I texted them several times during dinner because Noah was not really feeling well. I think it is just from teething or maybe from the shots last week but his tummy has not been feeling very good this weekend.

Sooner Saturday

On Saturday, we got up and went to pick up the kids. Then we ran our errands. We went to Sam's and got a brisket and some chicken breasts to smoke this weekend.

Then soon enough it was time to watch the Sooners play on TV. The kids were headed to bed pretty soon after the game started. And I had to log in to work for a bit. So Mike had to watch the game alone.

Winds of Change

When we woke up on Sunday morning, the weather was a lot different than it had been the last several months. Gone were the hot days of summer. In their place was the cool breezy days of Fall.

We only had one little girl in our Sunday School class. We invited all the baby dolls to story time so that we would have some company.

After church, we went to Cheddars for lunch. With the weather changing, it seemed to be the perfect day to go get a chicken pot pie. So yum. Emily always shares the chicken pot pie with me. Noah had some chicken pot pie and a lot of French Fries with ketchup. He likes anything with ketchup.

After lunch, we all went home for nap time. Noah napped pretty much all afternoon. Mike spent the afternoon prepping his brisket. When Noah woke up, it was time to go over to Aunt Charlene's for a cookout.

We had a good time hanging out and visiting with everyone who was there. The kids ran around and played in the yard most of the time.

We had a lot of good food - hamburgers and hotdogs, baked beans, pasta salad, lots of yummy desserts. Mike had a brownie fudge sundae. I had some four layer delight.

Noah did some swinging out in the yard. He seemed to really enjoy seining high!

Aunt Pat invited Emily to spend the night so she went home with Aunt Pat and Mason. Mike went and picked her up this morning and she had a good time.


Neither Mike nor I had to work ob Labor Day Monday. Emily was over at Aunt Pat's and Noah slept late.

When he finally woke up, I thought he looked so cute. I had put him to bed wearing some long pajamas with feet. He just looked adorable wearing them. I am not sure if he knew what to think about having long sleeves on his arms. When I first put them on, he kept pulling at them.

It is hard to get good pictures of Noah these days. He is always so busy that the pictures turn out blurry.

Today, we have just been catching up around the house. We got the brisket out of the smoker this morning and then smoked the chicken breasts. We made some homemade ice cream too.

It's been a busy weekend, but it has been a good one. I'm so thankful for the cooler weather. And for my family.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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