Thursday, June 3, 2010

More Busy Days

On Sunday, we celebrated Emily's 5th birthday at a local Mexican restaurant. She picked the restaurant.

And we invited all her faves ... like Aunt Heather and Uncle Stephen.

And Grandmother and Aunt Heather.

And lots of people!!!

And the proud parents.

Emily had fun opening her presents. She got a gumball machine!!!!! And she loves it. But we had to put it up out of reach because the day before she ate a BUNCH of gumballs all day long.

She received lots of wonderful gifts and was so excited to open each one to see what was inside. I don't think there was anything she didn't like.

And then ... we got to eat the cake that she picked out. The design featured Mario and Luigi. I think it turned out really cute. And, of course, it was so so yummy.

After lunch, we headed back out to the house to put on the first coat of paint in Noah's room. His room is sort of a bright sea blue color. I'll have to take some pictures in there sometime soon.

Mike and his Dad and his brother worked out in the yard Sunday afternoon cutting down some bushes, trimming some trees, weedeating and cleaning out around the shed and well house. Stephen trimmed some trees around the driveway.

The girls worked in the house finding other things to sort and organize and box up all around my house. I think no room was untouched! I tried to keep my master bedroom and closet closed off so that nobody would see the scariness there, but even that was not kept hidden.

They did a lot of work in Emily's room, too. We took a lot of stuff out of there and put it in the shed and her room looks great now. Stephen installed a "pet net" in Emily's room to store all her stuffed animals. At first, Emily was SO upset at the thought of her pets being up and out of reach, but Grandmother finally convinced her that it was best for them and for her.

Our sister-in-law Cherry brought us pizza for supper and we were sooooo grateful. It was the perfect thing and helped us out a lot. Thank you, Cherry!

The paint in the nursery had to dry four hours between coats so we were able to apply a second coat on Sunday night before we went to bed.

Then we decided that it might rain and we needed to move some things that were outside to the shed for the night. It was mostly stuff that my mom was going to take back to her house. So everyone loaded up the stuff and hauled it to the shed. And good thing they did because it rained almost 3 inches on Sunday night. The yard was a bit flooded the next morning. What a mess! A few of the cars got stuck in our yard. But Gary brought his truck out and the guys eventually got them all unstuck.


Monday morning, bright and early, Mike's mom brought us out some breakfast. Then we all got to work. We pulled off the tape in the nursery and Mike's mom did the touch up painting. Then everyone pitched in to move the furniture back into place in Noah's room. We moved a twin bed into his room and got the crib put back up. I think everything looks wonderful in there. I'm very pleased with how it looks so far.

All our out of town guests needed to be on the road by around 2pm so we were trying to get a lot of last minute things done. We had a few more boxes that needed to be moved to the shed. A few things were left to be done in Emily's room, and I still had lots more things to sort and separate.
We are so grateful for everyone who came out to help us on this long weekend. We could not have done it without all of you. We love you all very much.

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