Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Can I just say? I am HUNGRY lately. For the last few weeks, I have been hungry during the day. I've been hungry during the night. I'm hungry when I wake up. I eat a meal and then I'm hungry again just a couple hours later.

As of this week, I have still only gained 7 pounds total during this pregnancy. But I have a feeling that will soon change.

This morning before I even got out of bed, I noticed that Noah had the hiccups. I wanted to go tell Emily because I knew she would be tickled to hear this. She is all the time asking me what Noah is doing or what Noah is saying.

Mike was tickled too because he said that means his boy is growing. Mike has a lot of ideas about what it means to be a boy. And I think one of those is that boys should be BIG. And apparently, that applies to me when I'm pregnant and carrying a boy, too.

Here's an example - I prefer 1% milk. When I go to the grocery store, I buy 1% milk. But if Mike goes with me and gets to the milk case first, he always gets 2% milk. No sissy 1% milk for his boy. Ha! What is up with that?

So anyway, I worked from home today so that I could do my 24-hour urine collection. Tomorrow before work, I have to take it by the lab and get my blood drawn. Hopefully this will be a one-and-done deal. Lets hope we don't have a repeat from last time with the multiple blood draws.

But by the time I get out of the lab, I will probably be hungry again. Come to think of it, I'm hungry now.

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