Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Noah's First Grade Awards Ceremony

Noah's first grade awards ceremony was this afternoon at the school. They did things a little bit differently. Each child decorated an envelope and the teachers put all their certificates and awards inside of it. At the awards ceremony, each child was called up on stage one at a time and were presented with their awards envelope. A few kids got medals or trophies for certain awards as well.

Noah got his awards envelope as well as a trophy for perfect attendance!  Only two or three other kids got this award and Noah was so proud of his trophy!

At the beginning of the program, all the kids recited a poem. I wish I'd made a video of it because it was very cute and choreographed, but I only snapped a few pics. It's a hard decision whether to video something or take a picture. Am I right?!

Noah got a lot of great awards, including the Superintendent's Award for reading over 100 books this year. Wow, that is really impressive!

And of course the perfect attendance award is totally awesome. When Noah got off the bus this afternoon, he was carrying it and he said, "This is my first trophy!" He has already put his trophy on the bookshelf in his room.

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