Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Promotion Sunday and Yard Yahtzee

This year is just a big transitional year for Emily because she'll be going to junior high school next year. She also promoted to the youth group at church on Sunday morning. The children's area had a big send off for the 6th graders and parents were invited for the festivities. 

The children's ministry had a prayer time and gave each 6th grader a journal so that they could "write their own story" as they grow and move on into junior high and then high school.

Then all the students lined the hallway and blew bubbles and cheered as the 6th graders walked through. 

Here's a short video of Emily going through the bubbles.

Once the kids got to the end of the hallway, they went through a set of security doors and some of the youth kids were waiting to shoot them with silly string.  They made a huge mess!

Then we all went to the youth area where we had a breakfast and a little orientation time.

Wasn't the weather beautiful today?

After supper tonight, we went outside to play Yard Yahtzee. 

I got these big wooden dice to play with outside this summer, but this was the first time we'd actually played a game with them. Apparently, Emily and Noah have never played Yahtzee before so we had to have a lesson as we played.

We had a lot of fun though. Noah was hilarious. I'd bought this little basket at the dollar store to use as our "dice shaker" and Noah had a hard time pouring the dice out of the basket. 

What other dice games can we play outside? I know that Farkle is a dice game, but I haven't figured out exactly how to play it yet. We googled it, but didn't have time to really sit and figure it out.

I bought some extra Yahtzee score sheets and Farkle score sheets to use with our games. I think that's going to make things easier, especially with kids.

What are some other summer fun games that your family enjoys?

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