Monday, September 6, 2010

The Eyes Have It

Today we celebrated Labor Day. Mike and his dad worked in the yard most of the day. The battery was bad on the lawn mower so they had to go to the store to get a new battery. That delayed their start to the yard work, but they ended up getting almost all of it done.

Emily, Noah and I played inside most of the day. Emily really enjoyed having Poppa come out to play with her at her house today. She always wants him to play Barbies with her.

Noah spent some time in his swing this afternoon. He is really looking around a lot more and checking things out. I took a few pictures of him with his eyes open really wide.

Noah also loves listening to music. In his swing and bouncy seat, he always likes to have the music playing. With the swing, the music only plays for a few minutes. And Noah gets mad when it goes off! I have to constantly get up and re-start the music to keep him happy.

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