Monday, January 24, 2011

Bath Buddies - Take 2

I tried to post these Bath Buddies pictures last night, but they disappeared somewhere between my iPhone and my blog.  I am not really sure what happened.

These pictures were taken the other night when Emily was helping me give Noah a bath.  She is my ever present helper.  Noah just loves looking at her and watching her.  She can get him to laugh when nobody else can.

Tonight, Noah was having a bit of a fussy night.  He was asleep when we got home and slept for a few minutes while we ate supper. And when he woke up, he had his "Mr. Serious" face on.  Emily came over and was talking and mimicing playing the piano and Noah just started laughing.

They are so sweet. I love watching both my kiddos interacting with one another.  It just completely makes my day!

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