Friday, April 10, 2009

Wildfire Evacuation - Part 2

Mike and I went out to our house this morning to see if we could get to our house and see if we even had a house. We were one of the lucky ones. We DO have a house to come back to. The firefighters were able to contain the fire to the north of our house. We drove down the road to see what we could see and it looks like the firefighters did a pretty good job of keeping the fire away from homes. We only saw one home on our road that was destroyed. It looked like the fire went right up to the back door of some of the homes.

There are still some hot spots and flare ups in the area, but the firefighters are driving around trying to control those this morning. There is still quite a bit of smoke in the air behind our house so hopefully they will come take care of that one soon.

Mike's mom was telling us last night that Emily kept saying that she wanted to go home and she kept asking if the fire had come and gotten our house yet. So sad that she has to worry about things like that. We just told her that the firefighters were going to come and put the fires out so that it wouldn't get to our house.

Thank God that our house was spared but please say a prayer for the people in our area who lost their homes last night. There were wildfires all across the state of Oklahoma. The one near our house was one of many.


KSpann said...

How scary!!

Glad you're safe and that the house is still there.

What started the fires?

Jennifer | GraceLikeRainBlog said...

We haven't heard what might have start the fires. I hope it was not something stupid like someone throwing a cigarette out the window.

Lisa said...

What a blessing that your home was protected from those fires.

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