Tuesday, October 20, 2009

God Has a Way

God always has a way of slowing you down when the busyness of life overtakes you. This week, we have been slowed way down due to illness.

On Monday morning, I got that call from the school that all parents dread "Your child is running a fever. Please come pick her up." So off I go to the school to pick up Miss Emily who was coughing and running a low-grade fever.

Today was Mike's turn to stay home with Emily. From what I gather, they played Wii and watched TV most of the day. If Emily is still running a fever tomorrow, it will be my turn to stay home with her again.

Fortunately for Emily (and me, too), the field trip to the punkin' patch was postponed due to predicted stormy weather tomorrow. We'll go next Wednesday. At least she is not missing out on her first field trip!

Continuing our slowdown this week, Emily and I will be missing Cubbies tomorrow night. We don't want to spread germs around to a bunch of other little kids and Emily will need to get more good rest tomorrow night anyway.

I'm hopeful that Emily will be feeling better in time for our trip this weekend and that I won't catch what she has. I would hate to miss our trip, but I don't want to get anyone else sick either.

Only time will tell, but God has a way ...

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