Monday, October 5, 2009

Oh Those Rainy Days

Yesterday was one of those rainy and cool days. After church, we went to lunch at Ted's. Emily wanted to go there so that we could get a gift card for her teacher for her birthday. I really thought Emily would choose to get a gift card from Sonic, but she surprised me and said Ted's. She said her teacher really likes Ted's. All throughout lunch, Emily was whispering in my ear about her teacher. I was not sure if she thought she saw her teacher there or she was just excited to be getting her a gift. After about the 150th time, I finally decided that she was probably just excited.

After lunch, we had to go to the store and run some errands in town then we headed home for a nap.

And after nap, it was time for one of our favorite rainy day activities - baking cookies. I don't know if you would call it a tradition, but I have many fond memories of baking cookies on rainy days.

And Emily wanted to help with everything ...

Unwrapping the butter

Cracking the eggs (apologies to whomever gets the cookies with the shells in it)

And, of course, licking the beaters (notice her methodical licking style)

It's GOOD stuff!

Emily told me to stop taking her picture while she was eating. She was busy! (Ha!)

Those cookies were mighty fine. We put chocolate chips, chocolate chunks, and pecans in them.

And did you notice my new Mickey Mouse measuring cups??? My mother-in-law brought these home for me from Disney World. They are SO cute.

We love rainy days.

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