Saturday, February 17, 2018

President's Day Weekend Adventure - Tulsa

President's Day Weekend Adventure - Tulsa

Grandmother and Granddaddy are visiting us this President's Day Weekend. Emily and Noah are out of school on Monday so we'll get to spend an extra day with them. This is their first visit to our house since Grandmother retired. 

They went with us on an adventure to Tulsa today. Emily didn't want to go so it was just me, Noah, Grandmother, and Granddaddy. Our plan was to go to The Tulsa Air and Space Museum & Planetarium (TASM). We let Siri guide us to our destination but he took us to the Tulsa International Airport, right to the terminal, where the TASM is not located. Ooops!

We decided that we needed to find lunch before we went to find the museum. We looked on our phones and found a place called Tally's Good Food Cafe that was close and had good reviews. We drove over and found the cafe on the corner. The parking lot was packed but we went ahead and found a line out the door. We sort of debated whether we wanted to find another place or not, but we ended up staying. 

Lunch at Tally's Good Food Cafe

How cute are they??

While we were waiting on line, Granddaddy noticed a sign for a car show that was in town this weekend. We looked it up and it was only 5 minutes away from the cafe. It didn't take us too long to get a seat at the back of the cafe. We had huge cheeseburgers and Noah had huge pancakes.  The food was all really good and the price was very affordable. 

President's Day Weekend Adventure in Tulsa Oklahoma

After we finished eating, we went to find the car show that was at the Tulsa Expo Square. When we drove up, we saw a huge HUGE man standing out front. Noah wanted to walk over and see him.  Does he look big? He was taller than the building!

Tulsa Golden Driller at Tulsa Expo Square

Did you see me and Noah in the picture above? We look like tiny ants at this guy's feet!  This is the Tulsa Golden Driller. He's the tallest free-standing statue in the U.S. and is a popular symbol of the self-proclaimed "Oil Capital of the World."

Sitting on the foot of the Tulsa Golden Driller statue

Noah had a lot of fun crawling all over the huge shoes. He thought this statue was pretty cool.

Car Show at River Spirit Expo Center in Tulsa

There were some cars parked out in front of the expo center that we checked out before going inside. 

Car Show at Tulsa Expo Square

Granddaddy was like a kid in a candy store. We had to get a picture of him taking pictures of the fancy hot rods. 

Low Riding Blue Truck at Car Show

They did have some really fancy cars. All different kinds of cars. There were so many cars in the expo center. They were all unbelievably shiny and sparkly. 

Blue Car at Car Show in Tulsa

They also had some cars that were just really interesting. Is this car drivable? How does that work? 

Ryan Signing Autographs at Car Show in Tulsa

There were several famous car people there signing autographs. This is a guy named Ryan. He's on a TV show about cars. He had a car that he'd fixed up on display in his booth. 

We left Granddaddy at the car show and headed over to the Air and Space Museum & Planetarium. We got there a few minutes before the last show of the day at the Planetarium so that was our first stop.

Planetarium in Tulsa Oklahoma

They wouldn't let us take pictures after the show started but we got a couple snaps before. The Planetarium had a domed ceiling where they showed the films and the chairs lean way back so that you're looking up at the dome.

Air and Space Museum and Planetarium in Tulsa Oklahoma

We got to see three different mini shows. The first one was views of the earth from outer space, the second was the history of flying, the third was a trip to the middle of the Milky Way. The flying one was my favorite because it felt like we were actually flying in parts of the movie. It was really cool. 

After our planetarium show ended, we were going to go over to the museum but it was closing for the day so we didn't get to check out any of the exhibits. That just means we'll have to go back another day.

Maybe next time we can get Emily to join us. We missed her a lot on our adventure. We had a lot of fun though!  What will we do next?

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day

New York-Style Cheesecake Recipe

The Best Cheesecake with Graham Cracker Crust

Happy Valentine's Day! 

Did you have a wonderful day? I definitely did. There is just something about the day of love that makes everything exciting. 

I remember when I was a kid and we'd be super excited to get those little paper Valentines from all our friends in our class at school. Things are different now. The kids give each other candies or snacks with pinterest-worthy Valentine greetings attached to them. 

And can we talk for a second about the Valentine boxes that kids need every year? When did they start this? Every time I get on Facebook, I see these fancy handmade monster boxes or princess boxes or heart-shaped macrame boxes. This morning, Noah and I were sitting in the car drop off line and a mom was carrying her daughter's 3-foot tall glitter unicorn box into the school for her. This is insanity! Noah had a gift bag with hearts on it and his name in glitter letters and he was super happy with it. AND he could carry it to school all by himself. #winning

Anyway, I digress ... my Valentine's Day was good. My family got me some beautiful double delight roses. They are white with red tips and they look so fancy!

Dozen Red-tipped White Roses

All the blooms are fresh and beautiful. They are on my kitchen counter right now, but I might have to move them into my office tomorrow so that I can enjoy them all day. I don't see why not!

I made a delicious dinner with cheesecake for dessert. Nanny came over and joined us and we had a good time talking and visiting. 

New York-Style Cheesecake

The cheesecake was really good tonight. I've used this cheesecake recipe a few times and it always turns out great. 

Slice of New York-Style Cheesecake

Yield: 1 9-inch cheesecakePin it
New York-Style Cheesecake Recipe

New-York Style Cheesecake

Cooking this cheesecake in a water bath will result in a beautiful, thick and creamy cheesecake with no cracks. Serve with cherry pie filling, chocolate sauce, or caramel sauce.
prep time: 30 MINScook time: 1 hour and 25 MINStotal time: 1 hours and 55 mins


For graham cracker crust
  • 12 full sheets graham crackers
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1/3 cup butter, melted
For cheesecake filling
  • Four 8-ounce packages cream cheese, room temperature
  • 1 2/3 cups sugar
  • 1/4 cup cornstarch
  • 1 Tbsp vanilla extract
  • 3 large eggs
  • 3/4 cup heavy cream


  1. Preheat the oven to 325°F. Crush graham crackers (or use food processor), add sugar and melted butter. Mix together and press into 9-inch springform pan. Bake for 8-10 minutes, until crust is lightly browned. 
  2. In an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, beat the cream cheese, sugar, and cornstarch together on medium speed, about 3 minutes, scraping down the bowl several times. 
  3. Add vanilla and eggs, mix well.  Add cream and mix until completely blended. Do not overmix! 
  4. Increase oven temperature to 350°F. Wrap the bottom and sides of springform pan in foil. Pour batter into prepared crust. 
  5. Place the foil-wrapped pan in a large shallow pan. Pour in hot water until it is about 1 inch up the side of the springform pan. Bake until light golden brown and the center barely jiggles, about 1 hour and 25 minutes. If the center still jiggles, bake an additional 5-10 minutes. 
  6. Remove the cheesecake from the water bath, transfer to a wire rack, and let cool for 2 hours. Refrigerate at least 6 hours or overnight.

What did you do special for Valentine's Day?

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Fall Adventure in Central Oklahoma

Fall Adventure in Central Oklahoma
Noah wants to tell you about an adventure that we went on. The thing is that we went on this adventure back in the fall but I just never blogged about it until now. 

Seeing animals at Arbuckle Wilderness Animal Safari

But, I'll give you a few hints ...

Donkey at Arbuckle Wilderness Animal Park in Oklahoma
"Hey, gimme some of that!"

Fish art at Chickasaw Cultural Center in Oklahoma
"Artistic Fish"

Toy and Action Figure Museum in Central Oklahoma
"Childhood nostalgia"

So, are you curious?

You can go to these posts to find out more:

40 is the new 30

40 is the new 30
So, while I was away from the blog, I celebrated one of those milestone birthdays. Let me tell you, baby, age is just a number and it doesn't mean a thing at 40. 

40th Birthday Party with Dark Chocolate Tuxedo Cake

We had some friends and family over for supper and I made this delicious tuxedo cake from Sally's Baking Addiction.  

Dark Chocolate Tuxedo Cake with Sprinkles

Emily helped me decorate it. The inside is white chocolate ganache and the cake and frosting were both dark chocolate. 

White chocolate ganache between thick layers of dark chocolate cake

It was really delicious - so much so that Mike requested it for his birthday too. We decorated his a little differently. He didn't want sprinkles and I don't blame him - the ones on my cake were really hard!

Dark Chocolate Tuxedo Cake for Birthday

I got some new decor for my office for my birthday. I put them on top of my desk in my office. Not a great photo, but I just love my new vases and I'm very happy with the way they look on my desk. 

Turquoise vases with feather pattern on desk

Here's to 40 more years!

Monday, February 12, 2018

Someone was chosen as Student of the Week!

Someone was chosen as Student of the Week!
Happy Monday!

Noah is student of the week for his class! He brought home a bag on Friday that included instructions for the week.

We had to color and fill out a poster about Noah that will be displayed at school and he was recognized in their morning assembly this morning.

Student of the Week Poster

Tomorrow, he's going to share a book with the class. 

Student of the Week Second Grade

Later in the week, he gets to bring a snack for the class and everyone will write about Noah.  And another day I get to send a letter or story about Noah that will be read to the class.

Student of the Week Poster Color

It's going to be a fun week and I'm so excited for Noah.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Adventures of Flat Stanley

Adventures of Flat Stanley
Last fall, Noah's class did a series on Flat Stanley. Have you heard of him? He's a character from a children's book and a bulletin board fell on him squashing him to half an inch thick. From there, he gets rolled up, mailed off, and folded into a kite.

Noah created a paper cut-out of himself and sent Flat Stanley to Grandmother and Granddaddy's house for a grand adventure.

He visited the Arkansas State Capitol building in Little Rock.

Flat Stanley at Arkansas State Capitol in Little Rock

He also spent the week of Thanksgiving down at the farm and hung out with the kids a lot. He got a few rides on the Ranger ATV and went on all the trails! 

Flat Stanley on the farm

He also got to ride in the pedal boat on the pond. Everybody has to wear a life jacket, including Flat Stanley. His was a zip-top baggie full of air.

Flat Stanley in a Pedal Boat on the Pond

He also went to the hospital to meet new baby cousin Stella when she was born. How lucky was he!

Grandmother and Granddaddy sent Flat Stanley back through the mail to our house so that he could go back to school. He'd written a letter about his adventure so that the class could learn about where he went. 

Adventures of Flat Stanley

He went on a long adventure and learned a lot along the way. 

Flat Stanley Letter to Class

Noah's teacher shared Noah's Flat Stanley adventure with the class last week and then sent Flat Stanley home to stay. Maybe we need to go on more adventures with him?

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Staying Warm at the Movies

Staying Warm at the Movies
It was a very cold day, but we were warm and toasty inside at the movies this afternoon. We went to see The Greatest Showman, a musical about PT Barnum. 

I loved the movie and thought it was wonderful but I think Noah was a little bored. It probably didn't help that we went during his nap time. He was laying down in his chair pretty much the entire second half of the movie. 

I don't really blame him though because we were in a theater with the heated reclining seats. I used my coat for a blanket and had a nice, cozy time at the movie. 

On the way out, I snapped this selfie with one of the promo posters in the lobby. Pretty sure Emily was mortified. I wanted to get a pic with her in our reclining seats, but she declined. I guess it's just the age, right? 

Movie Theater Poster Selfie

At least I still have Noah. He'll still take a picture with me ... for now.

Have you seen The Greatest Showman? Thumbs up? Thumbs down? 

Have you ever sat in a heated recliner at a movie theater? 

Friday, February 9, 2018

2018 Winter Olympics

2018 Winter Olympics
Hey!  How are you? Has anybody been watching the Winter Olympics?

We've recorded the opening ceremony to watch with the kids and we watched some figure skating and skiing last night. I think international events like the Olympics offer a lot of opportunities to talk to the kids about things that are going on in the world or things that have happened in the past. Did you see that North and South Korea marched in the opening ceremony together? Hopefully that's a sign of peace between the nations.

I've been trying to think of some Olympic treats and snacks and crafts to do with the kids and my Sunday School kids.

Cute Little Snowman Skiers

I love these little snowman skiers for a cute kids craft/snack combo. I might have to pull that out for Sunday School in a week or two but I don't think I'd be able to let the kids put them together. I'd probably have to do it all in advance.

I think these cheetos torches are super cute, too. I think the kids would get a kick out of the ice cream cones and cheetos. But would they recognize a torch? Do kids even know what that is?

These Olympics cookies with M&M candies are really simple and fun. I think I could let the kids spread their own frosting and put the M&Ms on them.

What are you doing to celebrate the Olympic games this winter?

What's your favorite winter sport?

Any predictions on the USA medal count? In the 2014 Winter Olympics, USA had 28 medals. 

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Peter Pan Jr

Peter Pan Jr
This afternoon we went to the theater to see Mason perform in Peter Pan Jr. He was Captain Hook. Obviously!

Captain Hook in Peter Pan Jr.

I thought he did a great job and very much looked the part!

Noah LOVES going to plays. He sits perfectly still the entire time. Before the play starts and during intermission, he’s constantly asking me what time it is and how much longer until it starts. He keeps the program book in his lap the entire time and follows along with the scenes.

Peter Pan Jr Program

Maybe he wants to act someday? He’s already been in one play at school and he loved it.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Fun at the Ball Game

Fun at the Ball Game
I'm sorry I haven't been posting much lately. I get going and post a lot but I have a hard time keeping it up. I guess I don't feel like we do a whole lot that is exciting sometimes. But I know I need to write because the kids love seeing all the things we've done and the silly things they've said in the past.

This afternoon, we went out to an OU Women's Basketball game. Mike's boss's daughter plays for the Sooners and she had a really good game. She lead her team in scoring in their win.

Noah and Emily and I even made it onto the big screen at one point. Noah was acting shy and Emily was pretending she didn't know she was on there, so I just smiled and waved all by myself!

It was the Pink Out Game in support of cancer research. They had quite a few different things in honor of cancer survivors and the team wore pink.

At first, Noah was disappointed that we were on row 7 but once we got there he found out that he could see just fine from his seat.

The halftime show was some kind of crazy juggling unicycle riders. It was definitely entertaining although a bit odd!

You'll have to check back to see what fun things we're doing tomorrow.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Fall Adventure in Central Oklahoma - Toy and Action Figure Museum

Fall Adventure in Central Oklahoma - Toy and Action Figure Museum
Our third and final stop on our Fall Adventure in Central Oklahoma was the Toy and Action Figure Museum in Purcell.  Now, this was a fun stop!  They have so many toys. Everywhere you look, there are toys stacked upon toys upon toys. It's amazing. 

Wall of Toys at Toy and Action Figure Museum in Purcell Oklahoma

Noah didn't know where to go or what to look at first. Most of the pictures I got of him were blurry because he was moving the entire time. They did have a section of toys that kids could play with though. Noah had a lot of fun in this area. 

Toy and Action Figure Museum in Purcell Oklahoma

It had costumes and cars and blocks and a "Batphone". It was all really cool. 

Play area at Toy and Action Figure Museum

There were quite a few Lego toys, which was neat. They had the toys organized by themes.

Beetle Bus at Toy and Action Figure Museum in Purcell

I think Emily and I both agreed that we would have liked to see more girl toys. They had a few girl toys in one section, but the didn't have a lot of toys that I remembered from when I was a kid. 

Cars and Trucks at Toy and Action Figure Museum

They had a lot of Star Wars items and a lot of super heroes. They also had a whole area with an army men setup. 

Star Wars Toys at Toy and Action Figure Museum in Purcell Oklahoma

I thought this was well-worth the stop for it's kid-appeal as well as nostalgia. 

Now, on to the next adventure!

Here are the other posts about our Fall Adventure in Central Oklahoma:
Part 1 - Arbuckle Wilderness
Part 2 - Chickasaw Cultural Center
Part 3 - Toy and Action Figure Museum

Fall Adventure in Central Oklahoma - Chickasaw Cultural Center

Fall Adventure in Central Oklahoma - Chickasaw Cultural Center
Our second stop on our Fall Adventure in Central Oklahoma was the Chickasaw Cultural Center in Sulphur, Oklahoma. We'd never been here before, but they have a lot of Native American artifacts and art pieces. 

Fish Art at Chickasaw Cultural Center in Sulphur Oklahoma

There were some exhibits that cost money to view and we did not go through any of those, but we went through the art exhibit and a few others. I thought the authentic Native American headdress was very neat to see. At certain times of the day, they have Native American dancing but we were there too late to witness it. 

Native American Headdress at Chickasaw Cultural Center

In one area, they had a Lego Native American village set up. Noah though this area was really cool. It was a DO NOT TOUCH area though.

Lego Village at Chickasaw Cultural Center in Sulphur Oklahoma

I tried to get a closer look at it. It was very detailed and cool. I think Noah was trying to get some ideas on how we could recreate this setup at home. 

Lego Native America at Chickasaw Cultural Center

They also had a nice pond with a water fountain in it. It had a couple docks in it and we went out to feed the fish. There were some huge catfish that came up to eat! I didn't get any pictures of the fish because I have this weird phobia that I will drop my phone into the water and it'll be gone for good. I wouldn't even get my phone out of my purse while we were out on the dock. That part was fun though. 

Here are the other posts about our Fall Adventure in Central Oklahoma:
Part 1 - Arbuckle Wilderness
Part 2 - Chickasaw Cultural Center
Part 3 - Toy and Action Figure Museum
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