Tuesday, September 18, 2012


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I have finally figured out why history class in school is important.

It's so that you'll know the answers when your child quizzes you about what she's learning in history class in school.

Monday, September 17, 2012

First Tee

First Tee
Emily started First Tee on Saturday. The kids will learn the game of golf and life skills.

The first class, they did some putting. Emily is in all pink. Her friend Madison is also pictured.

On the way home, Emily asked when her next class was going to be. We told her it would be next Saturday. She said "I want to go back tomorrow."

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Happy Birthday Noah!

Happy Birthday Noah!
We had Noah's 2nd Birthday Party at Andy Alligator's Fun Park. 

He had a Sesame Street cake.  It came from our favorite bakery and was delicious as usual!

I also made some confetti push up pops as party favors.  Everyone seemed to think my push up pops were better than the bakery cake.  I made homemade buttercream frosting.

The kids had pizza and cake and then they went and played on all the games.

Noah was just so excited and running back and forth between all the games and his friends.

But after the party he was so so tired.  He didn't like me trying to talk to him in the car.  Poor sleepy guy!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

2nd Grade

2nd Grade
Emily started 2nd grade today. I took this picture before we left for school. Isn't she pretty???

Her shirt says Smarty Pants. Yes, she is.

Before we got very far down the road, it started sprinkling. Emily saw a rainbow in the sky. She saw it first - its very important to be first on certain things and this is one of them.  I told her that it was probably a sign that she was going to have a good year in 2nd grade at this school.  But she's too smart for me. She said it was probably just God's sign that He'll never flood the earth again.  Of course she's right.

By the time we got to the school, it was pouring down rain!  Luckily, I had a small umbrella in my car but we were still soaking wet by the time we got to the school building. When I got back home, I had to change my clothes. 

When I picked Emily up from school, she said she had a good day.  Some of her friends are in different classes this year, but she still gets to see them during the school day.

I think 2nd grade is going to be a good year!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Where Have We Been?

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Hello everybody!  We have been busy and living life.  

The hard part about blogging is that it's hard to keep up.  And the hard part about taking a blog hiatus is that it's hard to catch up.  As I get time, I will try to go back and add some pics and some notes about the past few months.

But in the meantime, here's our life in a nutshell: 
  • Emily turned seven years old recently.  She had a party at Cheesecake Factory and was so thrilled to see everyone. She got lots of neat gifts - lots of arts and crafts supplies, books, clothes, etc.  Emily has completed the first grade.  She loves to read and play on the iPhone.  She doesn't like to go to bed!
  • Noah fell and broke his leg.  It was the day before Mother's Day and we were playing at home that morning.  I was going to go put his play clothes on him.  But as I was walking toward him, he took off running from me and just fell down immediately.  When he fell, I heard a pop.  I knelt down and scooped him up before he even started crying.  Then he started screaming. I didn't even know what body part was hurting, but I knew that we needed to go to the emergency room.  More on this later, but Noah is not even two years old and has had his leg in a cast for the last six weeks.  We have about two more weeks to go.  
  • Our house is for sale.  We're hoping it will sell soon so that we can get moved and settled before school starts in a few weeks.  I'm not sure that is going to happen, but we'll see.

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