So I was thinking ... maybe I could make a resolution for just one week. But really a resolution is pretty much just a commitment to yourself. So ... why not just make a commitment instead of a sure-to-fail resolution?
Commitment - January 24-30, 2009
I commit to using my Wii Fit at least five days this week.
I'm sure you noticed that my week started Saturday ... and that's because I used my Wii Fit Saturday and Sunday so I've already got two of the five days. May as well help myself out a bit this first week. Ha!
And I'm sure that some of you also noticed that I didn't commit to using the Wii Fit 30 minutes a day or anything. Just that I will use it. It could be five minutes, but it will count! Gotta start somewhere, right?
Not Me! Monday
Yesterday at Toby Keith's restaurant, Emily and I went to the restroom before we left because we had one stop to make on the way home. So we're in the stall ... Emily goes first and then it's my turn. I lean forward to help Emily get her pants straightened ... and the automatic toilet flushes (!!!) causing quite a bit of ... uhhh ... spray! Ahhhhhh!! So. Not. Fun.
And to get that uncomfortable scene out of your mind ...
Nanny sent Mike these pictures of Emily riding around in Madison's pink princess Jeep. I was very pleased to see that she followed all the safty precautions with the helmet ... and the pads ... and the seat belt! *proud mommy moment*