Sunday, September 14, 2008

Oklahoma State Fair

This afternoon, we went to the Oklahoma State Fair. The weather was very nice although it was quite windy. We got some good fair food, looked through some of the buildings and played some games.

We stop by a booth to have a caricature of Emily drawn. Quite a crowd gathered around to watch the man draw her picture.

This is the final result. Isn't it cute?? We'll have to get it framed and hang it in Emily's room.

We made a few shade stops so that we could rest.
Then we went to the HTZ Employee party. They had games and prizes and lots of good food. We had already eaten lunch but we had another snack and brought home some goodies.
Emily liked the strawberries.

I saw several people that I knew and lots of people that I didn't. It was good to see some of the people I used to work with who have moved on to one of the other HTZ buildings in town.
I got this piece of watermelon for myself, but Emily snatched it off my plate and chowed down. Then we went to play some games.

Emily won this Scooby Doo playing a fishing game.As you can tell from the smile, she was very excited about the prize that she won.She was giving Scooby some love on the way home.

And then (unpictured) we all pigged out on a bag of ALL PINK cotton candy in the car on the way home. We were all tired by the time we got home so Emily took a long nap with Scooby.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Oh, I love the fair food.

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