Monday, February 15, 2010

Pre-K Valentines Party

The Thursday before Valentine's Day, I went to Emily's school for their class Valentines Day party. The teachers put together an ice cream sundae party.

When I got there, the kids had just woken up from their nap and were pretty subdued. They were really quiet and just sitting and eating and looking around.

Emily was happy to see me. There were not very many other parents at this party.

This is a picture of Emily's sundae. The teachers asked them in advance what they wanted on their ice cream so they had it all prepared before the party started. Smart thinking!

I like going to her parties because I can see how she interacts with her peers. Check out the picture below. They made some very cute Valentines Day crowns. They each got to pick what pictures they wanted on the sides and tops.

When I was driving down to the school, it started snowing pretty steady. The teacher said she took the kids outside for about 5 minutes so that they could catch snowflakes on their tongues. I think they were pretty cold eating ice cream on such a cold day.

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