Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Pregnancy is a Pain in the Foot

This morning, I woke up with an awful pain in my foot. It felt like all the bones in the top of my foot were broken into hundreds of tiny pieces. It hurt worse when I walked.

When I put on my dress shoes, there was no way I could walk five feet much less walk all day at work. So I did the only sensible thing and I put on my comfy shoes and stowed my dress shoes in my laptop bag.

When I put on the comfy shoes, my foot felt immediately better. I could walk without pain. I walked to my car and it was fine. I walked from my car to the office and it was fine. So I took off the comfy shoes and put on my dress shoes. And I stood up. And it was fine. My foot did not hurt. I could walk. It was a miracle.

I am wondering if maybe I had a foot cramp while I was asleep. If that happened, I didn't even wake up or notice it. I was asleep - dead to the world - and dreaming that I was a Girl Scout - but that's a different topic altogether.

I'm not sure what else could have caused all the pain, but I was very glad the pain stopped by the time I got to work. We had lots of visitors and meetings today and I would have hated to go to the meetings wearing my comfy shoes with my dress pants. I am sure that would have gone over well.

Tonight, we had Cubbies. Our class is known for doing awesome crafts. Everyone has the same craft that is arranged by the Cubbies director, but we go above and beyond to create something fun for our kids. This week, we made paper plate hand puppets and heart crowns. The kids really liked the crowns. I'm thinking we should make some type of hat every week. Or at least something wearable. I will have to give this more thought, but I think I may be onto something here.

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