Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Trying to Catch Up

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I'm trying to catch up on sold older blog posts. I'm not sure if this is the best way to do it or not, but I posted a couple things under the date the happened instead of the date I posted it.

You can find links to the two posts below.

Emily's 8th Birthday

Our New House

I hope you enjoy the blog!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Happy 3rd Birthday Noah!

Happy 3rd Birthday Noah!
This past weekend, we celebrated Noah's 3rd birthday with family.

Noah took a nap before his party and when he woke up, the house was transformed with Thomas the Train everywhere.  We had a Thomas the Train pinata and balloons and a cake with Thomas the Train on top.

Everything turned out really cute and I think Noah had a great time with everyone at his party.

We had a pull-string pinata.  When we filled it up with candy, it was very back-heavy and hung crooked.  And when the magic string was pulled, the trap door opened but all the candy didn't come out. So I gave it a couple good shakes and the candy went everywhere.  Noah was very selective with the candy items he picked and only ended up with 5 or 6 things.  But Emily was much less cautious and ended up with a bag full of candy.  Good thing we share around here.

We took Noah to the bakery a few weeks before his party and let him pick out the cake design.  I think Mike was leaning toward a Batman cake, but Thomas the Train won out.  Noah was pretty disappointed that we couldn't take the cake home immediately when we ordered it.  He asked almost every day to go back to the "bakery".  I wish I had that on video.  He said bakery so cute.

Noah enjoyed the balloons at the party too.  He wanted to take them all outside and let them fly away.  We let a lot of them fly away.  

Today was Noah's actual birthday. It worked out that I was able to work from home with him and Emily today.

We had a picnic breakfast outside.  They even got to drink fruit punch for breakfast. :)

We played outside with the Play-Doh and even pulled the trampoline into the shade.  I was working from home so I just took my laptop out on the porch and worked while they played.

Then it got hot and we came inside and played with the new toys and the Thomas the Train tent.

Then tonight Noah wanted to go to Taco Bueno for supper and then we went to Braums for an ice cream cone.  Noah wanted strawberry ice cream.  Easy enough.

It's been a fun couple of days.  We did finally move the big Thomas the Train tent into the playroom tonight.  Kinda nice to have our living room back.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Happy 8th Birthday, Emily!

Happy 8th Birthday, Emily!
We recently celebrated Emily's 8th birthday at our new house.   I can't believe she's already 8 years old.  Doesn't seem possible.

She's so beautiful!!!!

 Emily wanted her name on her cake with M&M's so I put her name on her cake with M&M's.  She picked the colors. I laid out the M&M's on waxed paper then transferred them to the cake.  I think it turned out super cute.

Making a wish!

Noah was a fan of the cake and the red punch.

We had ice cream sundaes with all the toppings.  I wish I had gotten a picture of all the different toppings we had - chocolate syrup, caramel sauce, marshmallow creme, crushed butterfinger, Oreos, candies, gummy worms, nuts, whipped cream, cherries and more.  I can't even remember all of the toppings.  We would buy a few and then think of something else we wanted and go pick that up too.

We love you, Emily!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Did I mention we moved?

Did I mention we moved?
Back in April, we moved into a new house.  I have not gotten it all decorated yet, but here are some pictures.  We'll call these the "before" pictures.

Front of the House

Front Entry

Beautiful Front Door

Decorative Stone Accent inside front door

Fireplace and Mantle

Emily and Noah before church

Emily showing off the game/craft closet

Oh, she is full of tricks.

When you go to a house, you gotta ring the doorbell.

Hard to get a good pic of the two of them. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Spring Weekends

Spring Weekends
Here is a picture of Emily and Noah after church on Sunday.

And of course I have to share some of the out takes. These are so cute and so fun.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Bake Sale Goodies

Bake Sale Goodies
Mike's work is having a bake sale this week to benefit one of his co-workers that is going through a long and difficult illness.  We have been fixing a few little treats for the bake sale.

Chocolate Covered Oreo Pops

Just shove a lollipop stick into the middle of Double Stuff (this is key!) Oreos, dip in melted chocolate, and decorate as desired.

I got all my lollipop sticks and little baggies at Hobby Lobby.  The sprinkles and colored sugars came from Hobby Lobby as well.  I found the little sugar hearts at Wal-mart.  Disappointingly, the baggies did not come with twist ties.  But surprisingly, I found a bunch of twist ties in a drawer in my kitchen. I ran out of those and had to tie ribbons on some of the pops though.

The hardest part of this project was getting the sticks into the middle of the Oreos without breaking them.  I broke the first 7 or 8 cookies.  I tried microwaving them to make the cream softer.  Didn't help.

I finally Googled this problem and someone suggested to open up each cookie, dig out a little channel in the cream filling for the stick and then use some white chocolate as a "glue" to hold the stick between the two cookies.  This worked! I still broke a few more cookies getting them apart, but it was not too bad.

Chocolate Covered Marshmallow Hearts

I just happened to run across these marshmallow hearts at the grocery store this weekend.  They ended up being a lot easier than the Oreos.  It was super easy to put the stick into the marshmallows and super easy to dip.

Emily helped me decorate the marshmallow hearts.  I think they turned out super cute.  I bet they will sell well at the bake sale.

Peanut Butter Cookie Cups

These peanut butter cookie cups are sort of my go-to baked item.  They are very easy to make and are a little different than a normal cookie.  So far I've made 8 dozen of these for the bake sale.

Hopefully I'll have time tomorrow night to make another thing or two.  We'll have to wait and see.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Cute

The Cute
Here are a couple pictures of the kids after church on Sunday.

Emily is always so pretty. I love her smile.

I thought Noah's green plaid shirt and turtleneck were so cute. He looked so big.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Happy Birthday Song

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Check out this cute video of Noah singing Happy Birthday to Daddy.

Too cute!!!!!

Didn't he do a good job?

Monday, January 21, 2013

Happy Birthday Mike!

Happy Birthday Mike!
Tomorrow is Mike's birthday so I made a cake for him tonight.

Mike's mom made him a cake this weekend so he wanted me to make him a non-traditional cake.  He wanted a Sopapilla Cheesecake.

I'm sure we'll do something fun tomorrow after work and then we'll eat cake!

Happy Birthday Mike!  I hope you have a great day.

Yield: 12 servingsPin it

Sopapilla Cheesecake

Try this Mexican twist on a cheesecake dessert. Sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar, this treat will be sure to please a crowd.
prep time: 15 MINScook time: 45 MINStotal time: 60 mins


  • 3 (8 oz) packages cream cheese, softened
  • 1  1/2 cups sugar
  • 1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2  (8 oz) cans crescent roll dough
  • 1/2 cup melted butter
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 tsp cinnamon 


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Beat together cream cheese, sugar and vanilla extract in a bowl until smooth.  Unroll one can of crescent roll dough and press into a greased 9X13 pan, pressing together the seams.  Spread cream cheese mixture into pan.  Unroll 2nd can of crescent roll dough and form into a 9X13 rectangle (on waxed paper) then lay on top of cream cheese mixture in pan.
  3. Drizzle melted butter over the top of the cheesecake.  Stir the remaining 1/2 cup of sugar with the cinnamon then sprinkle over the cheesecake.
  4. Bake in preheated oven until crescent rolls have puffed and turned golden brown, about 45 minutes.  Cool then cut into squares.

This is one of the few cheesecake sopapilla recipes that uses three packages of cream cheese, but it is just so so yummy.  This is the first recipe that I tried and it's the only recipe I have tried.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Bell's Palsy and the Flu Shot

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Exactly a week before I came down with Bell's Palsy, we all got a flu shot.  I normally don't get a flu shot.  We normally take the kids to their pediatrician to get the flu shot, but this year we took them to a different clinic that treats both adults and kids.  My excuse that they only give flu shots to a kid was not going to work!  Gah!

So we got the flu shot on a Saturday.  And by Tuesday or Wednesday, I didn't feel good.  I had that sore throat and ear ache only on one side.  It was the strangest thing that it only hurt on one side.  It hurt BAD.  I don't normally go to the doctor for something like a little sore throat, but by the next Saturday I was back at the clinic looking for some relief.

I was diagnosed with sinusitis and got some antibiotics (amoxcillin) and went home and took some immediately.  Then by the end of the day, I was already showing signs of Bell's Palsy (numb tongue, muscle weakness) even though I didn't recognize it as that.

I think getting the flu vaccine played a part in me developing Bell's Palsy.  I don't think a person can get the flu from getting a flu shot, but it seems like I always get sick after I get the flu vaccine.  That's one of the reasons I don't normally get a flu shot. I will definitely think twice before getting a flu shot in the future.

Do you think the flu shot can play a role in a person developing Bell's Palsy?

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Bell's Palsy - Day 35

Bell's Palsy - Day 35

Well today is Day 35 with Bell's Palsy.  I have made a lot of improvements within the last couple of weeks.

I can blink my eye now. It doesn't close completely, but it's a lot better.  This week, I had several days where my eye was irritated and dry.  I still tape my eye closed at night to protect it and help add some moisture back, let my eye rest.  Today, I tried wearing my contacts all day and it was not too bad.  I hope to be able to wear my contacts to work at least one or two days next week, depending on how it goes.

As you can see in the picture, my smile is coming back but my eyebrows are still not even.

My smile is back!!!!!

The muscles in my face are still fairly weak.  I still have to hold my lips closed when I rinse my mouth after I brush my teeth.  It is getting easier to talk although I still often talk out of the side of my mouth.

Oddly enough, my nose still has no movement on the affected side.

I think nobody who sees me realizes that I have Bell's Palsy.  I think I've made huge improvements in a little over a month.  This is great!   When I first got Bell's Palsy and heard "1-3 months" I was thinking that is terrible!  But it's been a month and I'm getting back to normal.


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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Christmas 2012 Recap

Christmas 2012 Recap
I know I have talked about Bell's Palsy a lot lately, but that's not all that's going on in our lives.

We had a really good Christmas.  Emily and Noah were spoiled rotten, of course.

A few days before Christmas, we went over to Nanny and Poppa's to decorate Christmas cookies.  The kids loved getting to decorate the cookies any way they wanted.  Emily was having the time of her life!  We were supposed to take some home so that we could put them out for Santa, but we forgot!!!!

On Christmas Eve, we went back over to Nanny and Poppa's for supper and to open presents.  The kids had such a good time!  Noah was so excited. He got so many trains and Thomas the train things and even his other favorite thing - Old McDonald had a Farm game!  And Emily got an iPod Touch!!! She had been wanting one and was just thrilled.  She got jewelry and perfume and arts and crafts supplies and so much more.

Then we had to hurry home to wait for Santa!  Even though Santa didn't get any Christmas cookies, we had plenty of good things for him to snack on.

And Santa brought a lot of fun things too!!!!!!!!

Noah got a Thomas the Train bed and toy box.

Emily got a digital piano and a piano bench.

On Christmas Day, it was snowing. We didn't get as much snow as the weathermen forecasted, but we decided to stay home.  The weathermen had been forecasting snow for several days so we had a "Plan B" if we were not able to go to the family lunch.

Of course, we had sausage balls and hot chocolate for breakfast. And I made chicken and dumplings and hot water cornbread for lunch.  We had also made green pea salad and deviled eggs that we were going to take to the family lunch so we ate those for lunch too.

The day did not go as we had planned, but it was a good day nonetheless.

Santa came and brought a Thomas the Train bed and lots of presents under the tree

Santa also brought a digital piano!

We set up Noah's new bed in his room on Christmas Day and the kids played in it a lot.

Aren't the kids cute in their Christmas pajamas too?

Noah also got his first pair of cowboy boots!  He didn't want to wear them at first, but once he put them on he didn't want to take them off!  Sweeeeeeeeet!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Bell's Palsy - Day 22

Bell's Palsy - Day 22
After 3 weeks, I'm happy to report that my face is showing signs of improvement.

On Friday morning, I noticed that I was able to move the corner of my mouth a teeny tiny bit.

This is my new smile.  I have practiced this smile probably about 500 times over the last few days.

No noticeable improvement with my eye yet, but I will take every little improvement I can get!

What do you think? Looking better?

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Sunday School Bulletin Board - Winter Fun

Sunday School Bulletin Board - Winter Fun
This morning I put up my winter bulletin board in my Sunday School room.

I inherited a bunch of random bulletin board stuff a few years ago and one of the things was these seasonal kids.

This is the first time I have used these but I think they turned out super cute.

The black background is painted. This makes decorating very easy! Highly recommend.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Bell's Palsy - Day 19

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Well I wish I had different news, but my Bell's Palsy symptoms have not really changed much. People keep telling me that I look better but my face is still paralyzed.

My pre-planned vacation from work ended a couple days ago and it has been an adjustment sitting at my desk at work all day.  My eye bugs me a lot during the day and there are times that I would like nothing more to just sit there with my eyes closed.  The worst part is driving back and forth to work.  My commute is about 45 minutes each way and it is a very precarious situation.  Sometimes my good eye seems just as irritated and unfocused as the bad eye.  Thankfully, Mike has been hauling around both kids in the morning and afternoon so that saves me an additional 30 minutes of drive time each way.

The other difficult part of going back to work is having to explain what's wrong with me over and over.  Most people don't ask.  I am sure they don't know what to say.  Sometimes I don't even bother to explain even though I can see the questions in their eyes. One of the cruel things about Bell's Palsy is that it's hard to say B and P words ... like Bell's Palsy.  Gah!

This deserves it's own blog post, but I have started taking lots of vitamins and supplements - a good multivitamin including all the B vitamins, an additional sublingual B12 supplement, fish oil for the Omega-3, naproxen sodium (Aleve) every six hours for the anti-inflammatory properties.  I don't know if this will help the paralysis go away any quicker, but I'm willing to try it.

By the time I get home from work, I want nothing more than to take a bath and go to bed. I was telling Mike earlier tonight that I wish my iPad had an app that would turn on my electric blanket without me having to get up and go in there.  Talk about lazy, right?

Thankfully, there's only one more work day before the weekend.

Longest.  Short week.  Ever.

Every few days, I make a cell phone video of myself trying to move my face in different ways - lifting my eyebrows, blinking, closing my eyes tight, smiling, puckering my lips. I like to compare it to the video I made on Day 1 (before I even want to the emergency room) to see if I can see ANY difference at all.  Even though people say I look better, the videos look the same to me.  My face still does not move.

I am wondering how long it took for other people to start seeing improvements?  I read something on the internet the other night that said if you don't start having some movements within the first 2-3 weeks, your recovery could take longer.  This is not a good sign.  I sure hope that's not the case.

I still only know one other person who has had Bell's Palsy.  Most people know someone who has had it, but they have not had it themselves.  The statistic I read online said that 40,000 Americans get Bell's Palsy every year.  That's not many.  Less then 800 per state per year.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Bell's Palsy - Day 13

Bell's Palsy - Day 13
Day 13 brings no change in my Bell's Palsy symptoms. I still have no movements in the left side of my face. I still have a lot of issues with my left eye as well. I still feel like my eye gets sore and gritty and uncomfortable by the end of the day.  I wear my pirate patch sometimes during the day and tape my eye shut at night.

I thought I would post a few pictures in case I want to come back and compare at different stages in my recovery.

Trying for a "natural smile" look

Looks like I could only afford to get Botox on one side of my forehead

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Bell's Palsy - Day 5

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Well I have started having problems sleeping at night.  It's very unusual for me to have problems sleeping.  But I seem to wake up at about 2:30 am and have a hard time going back to sleep.  I think this may be due in part to the steroids that I am taking.

In other news, last night while I was wide awake at 4:00 am, I thought I felt the left side of my bottom lip twitching or tingling.  I could not feel it moving when I touched my lips with my finger, but at least I could feel something.

I don't think I've mentioned this before, but I have complete feeling in my face.  My face is not numb.  It's just paralyzed - the muscles will not move.

At this point, I am not in any pain.  The pain behind my ear has gone away.  This is a big improvement to me.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Bell's Palsy - Day 4 - My Birthday

Bell's Palsy - Day 4 - My Birthday
My 4th day with Bell's Palsy happened to be my 35th birthday.  That was really difficult to think about - knowing that I was so early into this diagnosis and an unknown time to go.  I think that is one thing to at makes Bell's Palsy so difficult. You just don't know what to expect or how long it will last.

I had been reading online to see how other people with Bell's Palsy were managing all the day to day aspects of their life. One of the things I was concerned about was how I would be able to drive with my eyes hurting and so blurry.  But I had a hair appointment this afternoon that I did not want to miss.  I made it to my appointment and back home okay, but it was definitely not easy. I felt like I had to keep a finger on the corner of my left eye so that I could blink it manually when it started to get too blurry.

This was also the first time I'd been out in public by myself with Bell's Palsy.  I felt like everyone was looking at me and wondering what was wrong with me.

By the time I got home, I was exhausted.  We ran over to Sonic to pick up some supper for my birthday.  I decided to wear my pirate patch to give my eye a break.

After supper, we came home and ate some cake and I got to open my presents.

Even with Bell's Palsy, it was a good birthday.

Smiling cause it's my birthday. 
(Alternate title -  Argh! A pirate!)

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