Thursday, October 30, 2008

Patches and Bags

Well I managed to sew on Emily's two Cubbies patches this weekend. I thought I did a pretty good job considering my lack of experience. All I need to do is go back and iron them down. The Jumper patch on the right side of the picture (left side of the vest) is a little too high, but I can live with it I think. That's all well and good ... except that Emily got an Ern E. Elephant patch at Cubbies last night. Just when I get caught up, I get one more thing to do!

I also put together some goody bags for Emily's preschool class party. They were filled with a little notebook, a Crayola Pip Squeaks marker, a couple sheets of stickers, and some candy. I think they turned out really cute. The biggest problem is that I am inept at tying any kind of bows. These were actually awful looking up close ... and when I have to tie a bow on the back of Emily's dress, it always turns out awful as well. My mom and my mother-in-law have both tried to show me, but I can. not. do. it. Someone, please take a moment and enlighten me. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. (Sorry about the rambling ... I'm very far away from my original topic at this point!)

Emily's preschool class party was today. The picture below is all the goodies she got from the other kids in her class. Wow! We haven't even opened any of the bags yet, but it looks like a lot of stuff. And we haven't even been Trick-or-Treating yet!

Tomorrow night, we'll go Trick-or-Treating at the church's fall carnival. I hope to get some good pictures, but Emily is often pretty shy around a bunch of people. She might be clingy and frowny all night. We'll see what happens I guess. Wish you all could be there!


About Nancy said...

I hope you all have a fun, safe, and wonderful Halloween today. It was fun visiting your blog. See you again soon.

Lisa said...

I don't think the bags look bad at all. Hope you all have fun at the church fall carnival. I can't wait to see pics!! Have a great weekend. I am off to visit my parents so that should be fun.

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