Monday, October 20, 2008

Pictures from Girls Weekend

As I mentioned before, Emily and I spent the weekend with Heather (my sister), Stephen (my brother-in-law) and my Mom. I have so many pictures that I want to share, but it's going to take me a while to get them all posted. I'll try to post a few each night.

Here are a few for tonight ...

Heather and Emily on our shopping trip

Emily waiting outside the store. She rode in the stroller between stores, but got to get out and walk around inside the stores.
We ate lunch at Chick-fil-a. This is Emily licking one of the honey packets. :) Lovely parenting skills, right?

Stephen met us at the mall one evening for some shopping fun. He got some pennies from Heather so that he and Emily could throw them into the fountain. We were sure glad that Stephen showed up at the mall. He carried Emily all the way through the mall on the way out. Such a big help!

I asked Emily what was in the water and she said "Money!"Emily got to sleep on a Princess cot at the hotel. It was very cute and she liked sleeping there. The first night, she kept zipping and unzipping the sides. The second night, she was too tired to mess with it much.

Keep checking back for more pictures. I have lots more to share!!! You will not want to miss them!

1 comment:

He & Me + 3 said...

A girls weekend sounds so nice. Ohhh, do I miss chik fila. We don't have them were we moved. Yum! Your daughter is a cutie! I am off to check out your Not Mes!

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