Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Blessed Beyond Measure

In early December, Mike and I learned that the Lord had blessed us. We are pregnant with our second child. Well, *I* am pregnant with our second child.

I had been feeling dizzy several times a day, several days in a row. I thought that was awful strange. It's not something I even occasionally experience.

A few days later, we put up and decorated our Christmas tree. During all this, Mike said it would sure be nice if we were bringing home a new baby this Christmas. I had been thinking the same thing.

That same weekend, I took down the crib that had been in Emily's room for the last 4 1/2 years. We were getting ready to get new furniture for Emily's room and it just seemed like time to take down the crib.

The next day - the very next day - I woke up and just had this feeling like maybe I should take a pregnancy test because there were all these signs. So I did. And it almost immediately looked like a big + sign. So I did the only sensible thing and called Mike into the bathroom to look at it. "I think there's a plus sign." "Yep, it looks like a plus."

I intended to wait a few days and then call the doctor. But I didn't. All the people in my office seemed to be gone from our office for a bit that day. So I took that opportunity to call the doctor's office and let them know. They wanted me to come in to do some blood work. Yep, I'm pregnant.


Blessed beyond measure.

This morning, Mike and I went in for an office visit and an ultrasound. Baby looked like a tiny gummy bear. His or her heart was galloping at 176 beats per minute. Wow!

Everything looked good. We'll go back in a month.

God is so good!

We are blessed. Beyond measure.

More details later. Thanks for your prayers!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

WOOOOOOHOOOOOO - Congrats to you girl!! I am so excited and I know that you are too. Something you have been praying for which is awesome!! Please keep us posted.


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