Saturday, December 20, 2008

Emily's Christmas Party

Emily's Christmas Party
Yesterday, I went to Emily's Christmas Party at her preschool. Everyone brought something for the lunch. They had lots of good food.

Finger PB&J's, chips, veggies and dip, fresh fruit, Christmas tree cakes, fruit snacks, CapriSun to drink, etc ...

All her friends were there ... Gracie, Emily, Jackson and Grant. Her teachers, Mrs. Debbie and Mrs. Edith.

More of her friends ... Lundyn and her mom and Jackson.

Overheard in the car today ...

Emily: "Daddy, don't let Santa Claus take my Mama's jewelry."
Daddy: "Santa won't take Mama's jewelry."
Emily: "Daddy, don't let him take it. It's my Mama's jewelry."
Daddy: "Santa doesn't steal. He won't take Mama's jewelry. He'll just come to our house and put our presents under the tree and then leave."
Emily: "Don't let him take Mama's jewelry, Daddy"
Daddy: "Okay, I won't let him take it."

Friday, December 19, 2008

Emily's Christmas Program

Emily's Christmas Program
Update #4: I also uploaded a new "White Christmas" video on the post from earlier this week. Click here to go see it. (The second video on that post is the new one.)

Update #3: A couple pictures posted at the bottom.

Update #2: Wait! I found a fourth video! It's also posted below. :)

Update #1: Revised to all ALL THREE videos are posted now.

We went to Emily's Christmas Program last night at her preschool. The kids all did really good. I got several short videos of her group, but I'm STILL having a hard time uploading them. I re-started the video recording every 30 seconds, but I guess the file size is still too large. *disappointed*

Okay the videos are posted now. Emily is the third little girl from the left with the dress that's black on top and white on bottom with a red bow. The little girl to the left of Emily is her "best friend" Lundyn. The boy to the right of Emily is one of our Cubbies kids, Jackson.

I also got a couple pictures from last night.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

She's Dreaming of a White Christmas

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Okay I finally got one of Emily's videos posted. It's much shorter than the one I wanted, but I could not get the good one to upload. The other one was about a minute long and soooo cute. She's sitting in front of Heather's Christmas tree. I hope I can get some more video at her program tomorrow night. I'll just have to remember to keep it SHORT. I hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Unpacked, Organized and Decorated

Unpacked, Organized and Decorated
Emily and I had a fun weekend with Heather and Stephen. I think we all did a good job getting things unpacked, organized and decorated. Here is our weekend in pictures.

We unpacked a lot of wedding gifts.

Emily helped take the tags off the napkin rings. Looks like she's really trying hard, eh? Emily did a lot of playing with Stephen. She watches him a lot. And Emily did a lot of hiding in alllll of Aunt Heather's closets.And we colored in a new Crayola Color Wonder book. And we organized all kinds of things and them into clear plastic containers.

And we unpacked lots of boxes and bags.

Mom got picked to climb the ladder to put decorations on top of the kitchen cabinets.

One morning, Stephen cooked us pancakes for breakfast ...
... while his little friend watched and played nearby.
This is Heather's mantle that we (not me) decorated.Stephen helped hang this large picture on the wall in the living room. This is part the decorating that we did in the kitchen .. umm, minus the bright yellow ladder. And another part of the kitchen.
Well there were several other things that are not pictured, but you get the idea. We hated to have to leave. And somewhere between their house and ours, I lost a hubcap off my car. Argh!!! Hate it when things like that happen!

You're Invited!

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You're invited to:

Emily's Christmas Program

When: Thursday, December 18, 7pm

Where: Email me for location!

This is Emily's Christmas program with her preschool class. We'd love to see you all there. It should be an exciting time of singing and cuteness and more! Contact me for more details.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Getting Settled

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Mom and Emily and I are staying with Heather and Stephen this weekend. We're going to help them get unpacked and settled into their new house. We've already gotten started on the kitchen. Their dishwasher takes sooooo long to wash a load so we're keeping it running a bunch.

I need to sneak some before and after pictures of one of the spare bedrooms. Our goal is to get that room unpacked and organized enough that I can sleep in there tomorrow night instead of on the couch. I've slept on Heather's couch before so I know I'll sleep fine. Actually, I might have the better deal since Grandmother has Emily sleeping in her room. Oh, and did I mention that we forgot Emily's doll Stephanie? Yep, Stephanie is spending the weekend with Nanny. Emily was upset when she first realized that Stephanie wasn't with us in the car, but she went to sleep fine without her tonight. Whew! Disaster avoided.

I'll try to post some pictures tomorrow.

To Mike: I hope you're staying out of the present closet while we're gone. Santa is watching!



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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Tree Trimmings

Tree Trimmings
Since so many of you asked about the weird black tracks in the picture of our Christmas tree in the post earlier this week ...

Okay so maybe nobody asked about it, but surely some of you were at least a little bit curious?

Well the tracks are for our new Christmas Train. It was a total pain to get the tracks up into the tree, but the train is really cute. Emily likes to run it around the tracks every night.

Here's another picture of the train engine and the cars.

And this is an ice cream cone ornament that Emily picked out. It's very pretty and glittery.

The ornament on the right is one of my new snowman ornaments. The one on the left is Emily's first Christmas ornament. It has a little memory booklet inside it that is completely blank. ;) As usual. ;)
We also have a whole set of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer ornaments. This is the little Rudolph ornament.

We have lots of other ornaments, but those are the ones featured tonight. You'll have to stay tuned to see more of our Christmas decorations.

Until next time ...

Monday, December 8, 2008

Not Me, Christmas Tree

Not Me, Christmas Tree

Well, it's Not Me! Monday. I didn't participate last week so I'm trying really hard to think of something that I DIDN'T do this week.

Hmmmm .....

Ummm ...
Ahhh ...
Lets see ...

I ...

Uhhh ...


Okay I got one ...

  • I did not make a pecan pie on Saturday night that turned out yucky.

  • I did not make another pecan pie on Sunday afternoon that also turned out yucky.

  • I am so. not. done making pecan pies.

Oh, Christmas Tree

On Saturday afternoon, we went to North Pole City to look for a new angel to go on top of our new pre-lit Christmas tree. They had lots of ornaments, fully decorated trees, Christmas village pieces, trains, bells, nutcrackers, stuffed toys, stars, Santas, snowmen, and of course angels.
They had small angels, very big angels, angels on stands, and angel tree toppers. They didn't have anything that just grabbed me, but I picked the best one they had.
This is our pretty little angel. She lights up.

On Sunday afternoon, we got out the tree trimmings and let Emily put the decorations on the tree. As you can see, they all went in one spot. I did go back and move them around after she was done with it.

We also put out some of the other decorations including this Frosty the Snowman that sings and dances. Emily doesn't like him at first, but she eventually warms up to him.

I didn't end up with a picture of our full (re)decorated Christmas tree and I want to show you some of our other Christmas things over the next few days. Hope I can find time to take some more pictures. I don't know about you, but I always have to either move all the unsightly "stuff" out of the pictures or crop the "stuff" out after the fact. It's more time consuming than you'd think!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

We're back!

We're back!
We've been busy this week getting back into the routine of our life after a fun trip to Arkansas for Thanksgiving. We got some Christmas shopping done on Black Friday, got our family pictures taken, had a bon fire and more.

Our little family

Emily and her cousin, Tyler

A special note to my family and friends:
I would love to go to the Point of Grace holiday concert for my upcoming birthday!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Family Fun, So Many Reasons to be Thankful

Family Fun, So Many Reasons to be Thankful
Our family fun started last night with my dad's "birthday party". His birthday was actually a couple days ago, but we were not able to see him until last night. So he opened his gift from us last night. We got him a couple country music CD's. Earlier at supper, Emily told him that we got him a clock radio. I don't know where she got that, but we didn't get him a clock radio. I told him maybe it was his Christmas present. Hmmm ...

Then after that, we did a lot of prep work for Thanksgiving dinner. We set out a lot of the ingredients we would need for everything we were going to make. After we were done, we put the PJ's on the kids and then read a couple books and went to bed. This picture is Tyler and Emily reading in Grandmother and Grandaddy's bed.

And then Carter joined for a picture too. He was very interested in Emily's hair when we first got there. Emily didn't even seem to mind.

This morning, we got up early and started cooking. Dad smoked two turkey breasts and a ham. We had all kinds of dressing and vegetables and salads and monkey bread. *YUM* And I made a couple chocolate pies, a pecan pie, and a new recipe - Black Bottom Cheesecake Pecan Pie. I'm not sure if that's the official name, but that's basically what it was.

Here's a picture of the chocolate pies. They were soooo good, as usual. (There are only two pies even though it looks like four.)

And here's a picture of the pecan pie (right) and the Cheesecake Pecan pie (left). The cheesecake pie wasn't technically supposed to look like that. It was suposed to have the pecans on the top instead of town in the middle of the pie. I'm not sure what I did wrong. It tasted good anyway though.And my aunt brought a yummy chocolate cake. It was soooo rich! Sorry I didn't get pictures of the rest of the food. I was kinda late on this one.Then the family came over and we had a good time visiting and EATING. I'm pretty sure nobody went home hungry this time.

And after lunch, we sat around visiting some more. This is my brother and Carter hanging out on the couch. What a handsome little boy!

Then Emily got to hold Carter. She was so excited. It was hard to get a good picture of the two of them. He looked so big sitting in Emily's lap.

We've had a really fun day visting and play with everyone. I didn't do such a good job getting pictures of everything. I have been practicing recording some short movies with my camera. I'm going to try to post one on here tomorrow I think. Mike and I are going over to Shreveport tomorrow to see what's new over there. Mike has never been to Louisiana and I haven't been there in years. It will be nice to get away and do something together.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving Glitter Graphics

More pictures later ... time to start cooking!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Prayer Request for FIL and "Tidbits"

Prayer Request for FIL and "Tidbits"
I'm coming to you guys with a prayer request tonight for my father-in-law. He went to the doctor today and found out that he has pneumonia. He's been sick a lot this fall and just can't seem to get over this "mess". So please lift him up in your prayers tonight


  • I got my hair cut this afternoon and it's SHORT. Well, my hair is always short but it's shorter than usual. My stylist was cracking me up with a story about how she wished she had long hair and what she would do with it. We won't go there on this wholesome blog.

  • I was outside watering my fall flowers this afternoon and the mail carrier drove all the way up to our house to deliver a package. By "all the way" I mean he literally drove up into our yard and pulled right up beside me. He never comes up to our house! If it doesn't fit in the mailbox, he either leaves it on the side of the road beside the mailbox or takes it back to the post office.

  • I was totally excited to see that my cuz Martha posted a comment on my blog the other day! I totally didn't even know she was reading it. I hope to be able to see her family and the new grandbaby this weekend when we're "home" for Thanksgiving!!

  • I hurt my car this morning on my way to work. D'Oh! I hate that! Don't worry, nobody was hurt.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Sweet Treats

Sweet Treats
This weekend, I did all my cooking for Thanksgiving.

I always make some awesome homemade cracker jacks. They are sooooooo buttery and yummy. Emily was a bit fascinated by the popcorn air popper. I used like three batches of popcorn so she got to check it out quite a bit. (You'll have to excuse all the junk on the counter in this picture!)

And here are the cracker jacks cooling on the table. Mike says they "talk" when they come out of the oven.I made soooo much popcorn. It covered the dining table and filled four gallon size zip lock bags. Yum! Look Dad! This is what I'm bringing to your house!

I also made some white chocolate covered pretzels at Mike's request. I usually make these at Christmas, but ... I "sacrificed" and made them early. I was going to make something else, but oh well. Boy are they tasty!

Sweet or not, what's your favorite dish at Thanksgiving?

My favorite dish is sweet potatoes ... prepared any way .. with marshmallows or without, candied or not, pecans on top or not ... in a pie, on a plate or in a bowl. Yummy yummy yummy!

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