Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Some Hearts

Some Hearts
Some hearts are made of gold or silver.

Some hearts are made of chocolate.

I like chocolate.

Some hearts beat fast. Some slow.

Some hearts beat out of rhythm. Mine does.

For the last several weeks, I have been experiencing short episodes where my heart beats in an irregular pattern. Sometimes it feels like my heart misses a beat and then beats faster to catch up.

At first, this happened infrequently. But over the last week, it has happened much more often.

(TMI - too much information alert. If you'd rather not know the details, you can skip down to the next heart and pick up the story there.)

I feel like this irregular heartbeat is related to some other issues I have been experiencing since I got an IUD put in about 6 months ago. (What's an IUD? It's an intra-uterine birth control device.)

I did a lot of research on the Mirena IUD before I got mine and I talked to several people who had one. Overall, women who had one seemed to be really pleased. I mean what's not to like? Shorter, lighter periods? Very reliable birth control that's hassle free for five years? No daily pills to try to remember?

Within the first few days of getting my IUD put in, I found myself not really feeling well. I had a lot of abdominal pain and bleeding. When I went back for my checkup a few weeks later, I told the doctor about the problems I was experiencing. She suggested I give it more time for my body to adjust.

So that's what I did. I gave it four more months to adjust. So last week I called my doctor about the increasing symptoms and the irregular heartbeat problem. She had me come in to go blood work and everything came back normal.

I was not surprised that the blood work came back normal because one of the main symptoms went away the same day I called the doctor. Of course, right??? I finally have had enough and decide to call and then the symptom goes away. Of course. Make me look stupid.

I had sorta had the same feelings about the erratic heartbeat episodes. Maybe this is all in my head and I'm just hyper-sensitive about feeling my heart beating? Maybe this is a panic attack? I'm not really prone that sort of thing, but surely my heart is not messing up this often.

This weekend, Mike suggested that maybe my blood pressure was high and that's why I was feeling my heart beating like that. So I took out my blood pressure monitor that I used when I was pregnant with Noah and checked my blood pressure.

It was on the low side of normal so no problem there. But there was a strange heart icon at the top of the screen that I had never seen before. I got out my manual and looked it up and it was the irregular heartbeat icon. So it was not all in my head. This was really happening!

So since the blood work was fine, the doctor wanted me to come in today so that she could make sure the Mirena IUD was still in the right position. I told her that I would really just like for her to take the thing out. It's been causing me problems for the past six months and I am just DONE with it.

She said she did not think the Mirena was causing my irregular heartbeat, but she had no problem taking it out. So that's what we did. (I realize I'm making this sound all easy. And the process to get it out is easy. It's just painful. Not nearly as painful as getting the IUD put in. But I can tell you that I didn't want to stand up or even sit up after it was taken out today.)

(TMI Alert - Okay you can start reading again after this paragraph.)

The doctor is also referring me to a cardiologist so that we can try to find the cause of the weird heart rhythm. Her nurse will call me tomorrow to let me know when they can get me in. The nurse said it may take a week or two depending on their schedule.

Personally, I hope it's soon. It's no fun feeling bad.

So stay tuned ...

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New PJs For Everyone

New PJs For Everyone

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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Noah Fixing the Car

Noah Fixing the Car
Do we have a future auto mechanic on our hands?

This is the second time this weekend that we have caught him doing this.

Looks like fun, doesn't it?

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Saturday, April 16, 2011


I love my children.

This afternoon we went to get their Easter pictures taken with Madison and Mason.

All the kids did really well. It is HARD taking pictures with a baby but they all smiled and got the job done.

We got lots of different kinds of pictures in their Easter clothes. Then they took some pictures of Emily in her cap and gown for Kindergarten graduation. And they got some pictures of Noah in a big bathtub and in one other little outfit.

We will get a CD of the images sometime next week, but I can already tell it is going to be difficult to pick which pictures we want.

Here is a picture of Noah after we got home tonight. He was so tired. He will be ready for an early bedtime.

Emily already had her dress off or I would have gotten a picture of her too. She looked beautiful today. Even the photographer said so.

I LOVE MY KIDS!!!!!!!!!

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Tooth Drama Continues

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So this morning, Mike and I got up and made breakfast. I fixed waffles and scrambled eggs. Mike fixed the sausage.

When we sat down to eat, Emily said she wanted eggs but no waffles. The waffles were too hard, she claimed.

Then she decided that she didn't want the waffles or the eggs. She ate maybe two bites, but she was full.

I told her that she could eat. She didn't have to worry about her tooth falling out. It probably would not fall out until next Saturday.

She still didn't eat anything for breakfast and we told her that we were not having a snack before lunch. She will eat if she gets hungry.

And eventually that tooth will come out! It's inevitable.

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Friday, April 15, 2011

Teeth, Only Different

Teeth, Only Different
Last time I talked about teeth, Noah was getting his baby teeth. This time, Emily is getting ready to lose one of her teeth.

Nanny noticed that Emily has a big tooth coming in behind her bottom teeth. The tooth in front is getting loose so it will probably come out soon.

Poor Emily is a little freaked out about the prospect of her tooth falling out. Nanny told her that she better not eat an apple so she has decided that she better not eat much of anything. She told us tonight at supper that "Daddy packed too much food" in her lunch today and that she was SO full.

She did end up eating something but she said she was chewing with the big tooth and not the one that was loose. Ha ha!

So want to see Emily's new tooth? This pic is kinda gross because she had been eating. But here goes if you are so inclined.

I hope the tooth fairy is prepared!

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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Happy 8 Months Noah

Happy 8 Months Noah

Oh Noah, you are 8 months old! What are you up to now?

  • You wear mostly 12 months clothes, but you can still wear a few 9 months clothes.

  • You still wear size 3 diapers.

  • You are eating a lot of baby food now. For breakfast, you eat cereal and a fruit. When you are home, you eat two ounces of formula with rice cereal mixed with a #2 container of mixed fruit. You still love apples, but you also like pears, apples/bananas/strawberries, mixed berries, etc. You also take about four ounces of formula.

  • For lunch and dinner, you usually eat two containers of baby food along with four ounces of formula. You like peas, green beans, sweet potatoes, squash, garden vegetables, and many of the mixed dishes.

  • You also take several 6 oz bottles of formula during the day. I think you much prefer FOOD to milk. You just sorta snack around when you drink your bottle. You'll drink your bottle for a while and then get bored with it. Then we'll try it again a few minutes later and you'll take little more.

  • You like a lot of snacks. You eat a lot of baby puffs, some baby yogurt melts, and some fruit in your mesh feeder. You are not a fan of anything that is tart. We tried pear juice and that was too tart for you. We also tried some peach yogurt melts that were too tart. When someone else is eating, you want to eat too!

  • You go to bed at about 7:30 or 8:00pm. You go to sleep by yourself in your bed. You need your pacifier and a blanket in order to go to sleep.

  • You have been doing better with your naps during the day. At home, you are consistently sleeping in your bed for naps. Just like at night, you need your pacifier and a blanket but sometimes you can sleep for 2-3 hours at a time. This is a big difference than last month when you were just catnapping.

  • You have two teeth on the bottom and you are getting four new teeth on the top. Just this week, one of the top teeth poked through the gums. I am sure the others are soon to follow.

  • You still like to talk a lot. Your favorite word is da da da da da. You say that all the time right now. Sometimes you say ma ma ma when you are eating. You are constantly making sounds and "car noises" and laughing and talking.

  • You can sit up by yourself. You and Emily like to sit in the floor and play. I have been putting a few of your toys farther away from you to encourage you to crawl. You have not done so yet though.

  • You like to sit in your Exersaucer. You like to rock back and forth and you play with all the toys on the Exersaucer.

  • You like to swing outside. You think it is so fun to have the wind blowing in your hair. Emily likes to push you in the swing. That works out great for me.

  • Emily just love you so much! She is always telling me that you are the cutest baby ever!!! She is always hugging and loving on you. I love watching the two of you play together. I hope you become best friends.

  • You are such a happy baby. You are always smiling and laughing. Your whole face lights up when you smile. I know I am SO blessed to be your mother. I could not ask for a better baby!

Weekend Recap

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We have almost reached the end of a fairly low key weekend. We got out and went to lunch on Saturday, but we were pretty much DONE after that.

We went home and took a nap then we spent the rest of the afternoon playing outside on the swingset and the trampoline. We played a few games of Hide and Seek, had a couple foot races, and played (probably my least favorite game ever) I Spy.

Then on Sunday morning, we went to Sunday School. We had three pretty girls in our class. We were missing some of our friends!

I had planned to make popsicle stick houses. The kind that is flat on paper, not three dimensional. But when I got there this morning, that seemed way too difficult. That happens to me a lot. I look at my bucket of supplies and go "What on earth was I thinking?!?". Sometimes I have to remember that these kids are just three and whatever craft I choose will be mostly completed by me.

So this morning we did some Easter stamping and some sticker fun. The kids loved it. It was easy and fun.

After church we went over to Nanny and Poppa's for lunch. We had fried chicken and it was sooooo good! Can't beat home cooking.

On the way home, we stopped by Home Depot to get a pair of loppers and a hand saw. Last week, we had a company come out and brush hog our place. When they were done, it looked great but it just highlighted for me how many little cedar trees had sprouted up everywhere!

So when we got home, Emily and I took our new tools and cut down a bunch of the little cedar trees and some other little trees. (Dad and Noah stayed inside so that Noah could take a nap.) We found two little birds nests, which thrilled Emily to no end. She said she wants to take them to school for Show And Tell next week. I think that is an excellent idea.

We also found a pecan tree that we did not know that we had. I was chopping down some cedar trees under this big tree and I noticed a bunch of pecans on the ground. That will be exciting when we can go out there and pick up pecans to eat.

This was one day that I wished we had a truck. We could have driven around and gathered up all those little trees that I cut down and hauled them off. I left them all out there for now, but I know I will have to go back out there and gather them up eventually. Oh well. It's good exercise if nothing else.

So that was our weekend. It was nice to be a little less busy for a change. It gave us a chance to get some things ready for this work week.

I hope you all had a fantastic weekend as well!

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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Honey Bee Song

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The other day, I was surfing iTunes and I came across a song that I just love. It's called Honey Bee and it's by Blake Shelton. I have probably listened to it on my iPhone a dozen times today.

Here's a link to the song on You Tube: Click Here to Listen

So if you're up for some really upbeat and fun music, you should check out the Honey Bee Song by Blake Shelton. I am not normally a big Blake Shelton fan, but I do like this song!

Here are the lyrics. They are just so cute and catchy. Emily and I were singing and dancing to this song in the kitchen earlier tonight.

Girl I been thinkin’ about us
And you know I ain’t good at this stuff
But these feelings piling up won’t give me no rest
This might come out a little crazy
A little sideways, yeah maybe
I don’t know how long it’ll take me
But I’ll do my best

Chorus A:
If you’ll be my soft and sweet
I’ll be your strong and steady
You be my glass of wine
I’ll be your shot of whiskey
You be my sunny day
I’ll be your shade tree
You be my honeysuckle
I’ll be your honey bee

Yeah that came out a little country
But every word was right on the money
And I got you smilin’ honey right back at me
Now hold on ’cause I ain’t done
There’s more where that came from
Well you know I’m just havin’ fun
But seriously

Chorus B:
If you’ll be my Louisiana
I’ll be your Mississippi
You be my little Loretta
I’ll be your Conway Twitty
You be my sugar baby
I’ll be your sweet iced tea
You be my honeysuckle
I’ll be your honey bee

Your kiss just said it all
I’m glad we had this talk
Nothing left to do but fall in each other’s arms
I could’ve said a “I love you”
Could’ve wrote you a line or two
Baby all I know to do
Is speak right from the heart

Chorus A

Chorus B

I’ll be your honey bee

I have not heard this song on the radio yet. I have been listening to KJKE JakeFM (93.3 in Oklahoma City). I LOVE this radio station!!! So I hope they pick up this song pretty quickly. One of my favorite things about this radio station is that they don't have morning disk jockeys. I used to listen to The Twister, but their morning DJ's were so annoying that I got to where I wouldn't even turn on the radio. I would drive in silence rather than listen to those DJ's!

Another thing I like about JakeFM is that they don't play Christmas music during the holidays. They only played one Christmas song and it was worth $$$! That's my kind of station!

So anyway, there's my music pick for the day. Let me know if you like it.

If you’ll be my soft and sweet
I’ll be your strong and steady
You be my glass of wine
I’ll be your shot of whiskey
You be my sunny day
I’ll be your shade tree
You be my honeysuckle

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday
After church on Sunday.

Silly faces.

Can't win this one.

Ha! Little stinkers!

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Where's My Cowboy Hat?

Where's My Cowboy Hat?
This weekend, Emily and I went to Toys R Us to find a new pacifier for Noah. He is getting to where he really likes the pacifier at times, but it has to be a certain type and shape.

We had probably a dozen pacifiers at our house, but only one that he likes and will take. And then on Saturday night, the pacifier broke. My fault! But we needed to find a new one and fast.

We looked for a new pacifier at Wal-Mart but they did not have the kind he liked. So we went to TRU and found some. We bought four. Just in case.

As we were leaving, I noticed that they had some cute baby pajamas on sale. They were Disney characters and I knew Noah would look so cute!

Here is a few pictures of Noah in his new getup.

Baby Woody!

And the hair sticking up is just awesome!

And as you can see, the toes are king these days as well.

All he needs is a cowboy hat.

Emily just loved Noah in these pajamas. She said that she needs some Jessie pajamas now and I tend to agree.

If you know where I can find some girls Jessie pajamas, please let me know!

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Monday, April 4, 2011

Sweet Sleep

Sweet Sleep
The other day, Noah fell asleep in the car on the way home. I went to get him out of the car and I just thought he looked soooo sweet and perfect sleeping there.

It's hard not to kiss them all over when they are sleeping like this!

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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Happy Bunny

Happy Bunny
Late yesterday afternoon, Emily and I went outside to do some weeding in the flower beds. I had been needing to pull some weeds in my iris bed along the front of the fence to the "garden area."

I put garden area in quotes because we have not had a garden in over five years - since we had kids. Hopefully we will get back to it one day but it will have to be when the kids are bigger and a little less needy when we are outside.

So Emily go out there and start pulling at the weeds. But some of then are hard to budge. And there were a whole lot of them. We decided we needed some help so we went and got the weedeater.

I was going along the flowerbed getting as close as I could to the plants without clipping them. I cut off a few of the leaves. Oopsie. But none of the buds.

As I got close to the far end of the flowerbed, I noticed something hopping right along the fence row. It was a tiny baby bunny! It was brown with a white cottontail. Emily named him Happy Bunny. I probably could have picked him up if I'd wanted to, but I didn't want to disturb him.

Emily said "let's take a picture!" but I didn't have my phone with me. Clearly, she knows how this works. We get pictures of everything!

Happy Bunny didn't seem to know where to go. He eventually hopped into the higher grass away from the danger of my weedeater.

We went back out tonight to see if we could find Happy Bunny, but we didn't see him. Hopefully he is somewhere safe with his mommy.

Here are a couple pictures of our irises.

We have some irises in another flowerbed that are already blooming. I'm surprised I was able to get a clear picture as hard as the wind was blowing today.

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Bowling Fun Pics

Bowling Fun Pics
Yesterday afternoon, we went to the local bowling alley for some bowling fun. We played with the bumpers up so no gutter balls for us.

Emily really had a hard time getting the ball all the way to the end of the lane to knock over the pins. Next time we go bowling, we will have to practice rolling the ball harder.

Funny story - apparently we go to the bowling alley for birthday parties and not much else because Emily thought we were going to have to pretend that it was someone's birthday in order to go bowling. She asked me whose pretend birthday it was going to be. I told her we could pretend it was hers. Well, she got so upset and started crying!!! She is SO her mother's child. She does NOT like all the attention on her.

Noah sat in his stroller part of the time. We really was not a huge fan of the bowling alley. But just wait till he is bigger.

Me and the kids. I took a cute pic of Mike and Noah, but it turned out blurry.

As you can see, I don't think any of us will be competing in any bowling competitions any time soon.

Winner gets to pick the ice cream shoppe!

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Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Very Good Week

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This last week of March has been a very good week for our family. We have seen good news everywhere we turn.

1) Emily got her report card this week and she scored "Satisfactory" (the best!) in every category! Last time, she had some "Developing" skills and she improved in all those categories.

She is reading really well and is the teacher's little helper. We are so proud of Emily and how well she is doing in school.

2) Mike found out this week that he is getting a very large raise at work. This is actually the third raise he has gotten this year. One was a large raise related to a promotion and the other was a small cost of living raise.

We are very proud of Mike and all the hard work he puts in to support our family. Thank you!

3) I found out that I am getting a small raise at work as well. Okay, the correct phrase is probably "very small" but we will take what we can get in this category.

4) We thought our car insurance premiums would probably be going up this year, but we found out this week that they are actually going down. That is a surprise and a big praise.

As you can see, some really exciting things are happening in our family. The Lord is blessing us in ways that we could not even imagine.

Glory be to God!

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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Someone Cute

Someone Cute
Noah loves riding in the buggy at the grocery store. Isn't he cute?

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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Kids Make Me Laugh

Kids Make Me Laugh
Noah and Emily were playing together on the floor. Noah was pulling Emily's hair and laughing about it.

He is probably going to annoy her very much when he gets a little bit older. But right now they have so much fun playing together.

They make each other laugh. And they make me laugh too!

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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Ginger and Jack

Ginger and Jack
Tonight, Emily and I made Gingerbread Girl cookies. We made some Gingerbread Boys too.

Aren't they cute???

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Friday, March 11, 2011

Red Flag

Red Flag
Today was a red flag fire danger day in Oklahoma. When we got home tonight, there was a police officer blocking our road about a half mile from our house.

The officer told us that there was a fire north of our house. Thankfully, it was moving north away from our house. He let us go on to our house.

When we pulled up, we could see the red glow in the sky. That is not a good feeling even if the fire is moving away from us.

Mike is out in the yard monitoring the situation. I think I am more worried about it than he is, but he is indulging me this one.

This night reminds me of April 9, 2009 when we had that huge wildfire moving toward our house and all that smoke.

Here is my post from two years ago.


I swear we don't live in a pigpen. But judging by the way our child looks when she comes home from school, it looks like we do.

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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


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I don't know if you knew, but it was a rainy, dark and dreary day around these parts. I drove to and from work in light drizzle. It was cold and wet and gloomy.

After I picked up the kids and got them buckled into the car, I walked around to the drivers side of the car and thought to myself "Come quickly, Lord Jesus." I don't know why. That's just what crossed mind.

I got in and buckled my seatbelt and the sun suddenly started shining SO brightly. It was just blinding light out to the west. It was shocking. I thought "Is this it? Is Jesus coming back right this minute?"

I sat there a minute just looking up at the sky. It was bright and beautiful to the west and still dark back to the east. After a minute or so, I decided that Jesus was not coming back right this minute so I better go ahead and drive home.

As I backed out of the driveway, I thought about a bumper sticker I have seen a few times: "In case of rapture, this vehicle will be unmanned."

If Jesus were to come back tonight, I would be ready. I know that I am going to heaven and I'm ready. What about you? If you have any doubts, I encourage you to get right with God now. Don't wait. Don't wait!

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Monday, March 7, 2011

Monday Funday

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Boy, Mondays are always so hard.  I was scheduled to be on vacation today, but I was able to go on in to work.  It was so so hard to get out of bed knowing that I was not really expected to be at work today.  It just felt so wrong!

But I got up and got myself ready to go.  Noah slept  until I was ready to leave so I got to wake him up and get him ready to go.   He cried when I dropped him off today and I don't like that at all.  It makes it very hard for me to leave him.

Noah had a good day today.  I can tell that he feels better.  He drank his milk better today and smiled and laughed a lot more.  I was tickling his little fat thighs tonight and he was just laughing so hard.

Oh and want to know something else fun that happened today?  Well, on my way home with the kids, I was following a Sherriff.  There was a truck, then the police car and then me.  And we were going the speed limit - like 50 mph.  And all of a sudden, the police flips his lights on and pulls over to the right side of the road.  And I stoooooop in the middle of the road.  And he pulls across the road and then backs up and then takes off in the opposite direction.  Oooookay, was that really necessary to stop in the middle of the road? I think that was awful dangerous.  Is it worth causing an accident just to give some guy a ticket?

Lets hope for an easier Tuesday ....

Nuff said!!!!!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sunday - Feeling Better

Sunday - Feeling Better
Noah and I stayed home from church this morning so that he could get some extra rest and wouldn't get the church nursery sick.

I think Noah is feeling better today. He is eating better and playing more. Last week, we did not get many smiles from Noah but he seemed to be better today.

Noah still sounds stuffy and rattly in his chest. Sometimes he just needs to cough to get that stuff up.

Yesterday, we bought Noah a mesh feeder. You put different types of food in it and then he chews and sucks on it. The first thing he tried was apple slices. He really liked them and hot mad when we would take them away. When he was done with it, there was not much apple left in the feeder!

Today we tried watermelon in Noah's feeder. He liked the watermelon too! He ate it until it was pretty much all gone.

After he was done eating, he had to go get a bath. Emily helped us. I kept having to remind her to give him a toy too. She even stayed in the bathroom and played in the water after Noah got out.

She finally joined us in the living room and she and Noah played in the floor for a while.

Overall, it was a good day. I fixed a roast, mashed potatoes and carrots and Lima beans for lunch. It was all pretty good. I got up at 4am to put the roast and carrots in the crock pot.

I do my roast pretty simple. I put the carrots in the bottom of the crock pot and the roast on top. Then I sprinkle a packet of onion soup mix over the top and pour in a bit of water. I normally cook the roast on low, but my roast was still frozen! So I cooked this one on high for 4 hours then low for four hours. It still turned out nice and tender.

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PETA Would Be Proud "Part Two"

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Hi honey. There were a few details that you may have forgotten to add to your post last night. The raccoons over the last few weeks have been scattering trash in our backyard. This has been very frustrating for me, because I'm the one who has to pick it up. Also, I contacted the animal control center and they advised me that they would not come and take care of the problem. I also contacted the wildlife law enforcement and they would not answer their phone. My laughing was due to your facial expressions when you discovered there were two raccoons. I love you!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

PETA Would Be Proud

PETA Would Be Proud
This afternoon, I went out back to throw a bag of trash in the Big Blue. When I opened the lid, it smelled really strange and I thought I saw something in the bottom of the can. So I threw in the bag of trash and slammed the lid!

But I had to look again and see if I really saw something. So I opened the lid again to look. I thought maybe I could see an animal under the edge of the trash bag. Maybe a cat's ear?

So I went to get a flashlight and looked again. I could not really see anything. So I reached in and pulled out the bag of trash. I looked again and a raccoon was looking back at me! Ack!!!!

Mike wanted to trap him in there and let him die or let the trash truck pick him up. But I couldn't leave him in there possibly dying while I went about my business in my house.

So I went back out there and tipped the trash can over to let the raccoon out. I stood there the longest time waiting for the raccoon to run away. It finally started peeking out at me.

Then it finally ran off around the corner of the house. I walked around the house to make sure I ran off and was not messing with anything.

Then I went back to the trash can to set it back up right and throw away the trash. But there was another raccoon in it!!

I waited a long time for that one to run off. I eventually shook him out of the can and he ran off toward the well house. I could not tell for sure, but he might have gone under the well house.

So I did go back and set the trash can back up and secured the lid with some bungee cords.

And as I type this blog post, the raccoons are back and trying to get into the trash can again. They sure are persistent! But they are not getting any free food from us any more!

And where was Mike during this whole raccoon fiasco? He was standing inside the house at the kitchen window, laughing at me. Nice.

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Thursday, March 3, 2011

Still Sick and an Anniversary

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Yesterday afternoon, Mike and I took Noah to the pediatrician. He had been wheezing and he was not able to keep down his bottles.

Dr K said that Noah has bronchiolitis caused by a really nasty virus, most likely RSV. There is not much you can do except wait for it to run it's course. We have to watch out for really fast/hard breathing and dehydration.

Since Noah is not drinking much milk, we have started feeding him smaller amounts more often. We also tried to give him some pedialyte, but he hated it! So we gave him some little sips of water instead. He did fine with that.

Noah seemed to sleep better last night. We were up a few times, but not nearly as often as the night before. He did not throw up today so that is another good sign.

Hopefully Noah is on the road to recovery. I hope he sleeps even better tonight and starts to get his appetite back tomorrow. Dr K said his cough could last 2-6 weeks though.

Emily seems to be feeling better today. She still cough some, but seems to feel better otherwise. I will be glad when this bug leaves our house for good!


Yesterday was our 9th wedding anniversary. We went out to dinner at one of our favorite mexican restaurants. It was nice to go out just the two of us again, but it has hard to leave my sick baby.

Last night when we were getting ready for bed, we talked about what all we remembered from 9 years ago. Our wedding ceremony that Mike happily chomped gum throughout! The cold weather and snow that day. Our awesome cake at our wedding reception. Our honeymoon to Las Vegas and the Grand Canyon. Coming home to live together in a one bedroom apartment. And so on and so forth. And here we are 9 years and 2 kids later.

Love you babe! Here's to the next 9 years!

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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sick Kid Updates And More!

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Noah and Emily are both coughing today.

Emily did okay after she finally went to sleep last night.  She had a hard time going to sleep, but did not wake up during the night.  She went to school today, but coughed a lot and told her teacher that her throat hurt last night.  She told me last night that her throat did not hurt so I don't know.  I got her some different cough/cold medicine and some cough drops for tomorrow.  They are strawberry flavored so she seemed excited about that.

Noah did not have very many smiles today.  He coughed a lot during the night and so we were up most of the night.  I think I got two straight hours of sleep and then a few other little bits here and there.  Noah didn't drink his bottles very good today.  When I was feeding him a bottle tonight, he started coughing and threw up all over my shirt .. and my pants .. and his clothes ... and my chair.  It was a big one.   Tonight, I slathered him in Vicks Vapor Rub and put him to bed.  He is still coughing so we might be in for another long night.

In Other News ...

Today, we registered Emily for a summer activity program at a local church.  It's a full day program and the kids are always busy.  They get to do a lot of different activities during the summer.  They have a huge, beautiful playground across the street from the church.  They go swimming at a couple different pools.   And they go on several different field trips.  We don't have a list of all the field trips yet, but it sounds like a lot of fun!  Emily's two cousins will also be going to the same place so it's going to be a good summer for them.

And Also ...

Mike found out today that he got a promotion and a nice raise at work.  He will have a new title, but the job will basically be the same.  We are so proud of him and so thankful for all his hard work.  We love you!!!

Monday, February 28, 2011

My Babies

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Not much to report tonight.  We had a good weekend, but now both kids are not feeling well.  

Emily and Noah both developed a bit of a cough yesterday.  Noah had a hard time last night.  He just kept waking up coughing and coughing so hard.  I probably got up to check on him a dozen times during the night.  He had a good day today, but he still coughed a lot.  Even when he's not feeling well, he still has smiles for everyone.

Emily woke up coughing this morning and has coughed more today.  She still seems to feel pretty well even with the cough.  I gave her some cough medicine tonight, but she is having a hard time going to sleep because of the cough.  

I hope both my babies are feeling better in the morning.  It's so hard when the kids are sick.  I hate to hear them coughing and know that they are not feeling well.  I would much rather it be me who was sick!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Mason's 5th Birthday Party

Mason's 5th Birthday Party
This afternoon, we went to Mason's 5th Birthday party at the Oklahoma Science Museum.

I did not manage to get any pictures of the birthday boy or his cupcakes or his presents because I was feeding Noah during that part of the party.

But after he opened his presents and we ate our cupcakes, we got to go out and play at the science museum.

We had a good time!

Here are some pictures from our afternoon.

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