Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Girls Weekend - Playing at the Park

Girls Weekend - Playing at the Park
Sunday morning, we went to the park for a walk and some play time.

Emily was getting leaves for everybody, one person at a time.
Here's a picture of Emily giving Stephen his leaf. We missed most of the other pictures because she kept going to the person who was trying to take pictures of her.
Stephen rode his bike over to the park.
Acting like a dork. Heather says I always have a stupid look on my face. Emily and Grandmother on the top of the jungle gym.Emily wanted to do all the activities at the play park.
What kid doesn't like to drive the steering wheel?And "hanging out"
And crawling on this ....
Seriously ... keep checking back. You are going to love some of the other pictures I have to post.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Pictures from Girls Weekend

Pictures from Girls Weekend
As I mentioned before, Emily and I spent the weekend with Heather (my sister), Stephen (my brother-in-law) and my Mom. I have so many pictures that I want to share, but it's going to take me a while to get them all posted. I'll try to post a few each night.

Here are a few for tonight ...

Heather and Emily on our shopping trip

Emily waiting outside the store. She rode in the stroller between stores, but got to get out and walk around inside the stores.
We ate lunch at Chick-fil-a. This is Emily licking one of the honey packets. :) Lovely parenting skills, right?

Stephen met us at the mall one evening for some shopping fun. He got some pennies from Heather so that he and Emily could throw them into the fountain. We were sure glad that Stephen showed up at the mall. He carried Emily all the way through the mall on the way out. Such a big help!

I asked Emily what was in the water and she said "Money!"Emily got to sleep on a Princess cot at the hotel. It was very cute and she liked sleeping there. The first night, she kept zipping and unzipping the sides. The second night, she was too tired to mess with it much.

Keep checking back for more pictures. I have lots more to share!!! You will not want to miss them!

Not Me! Monday

Not Me! Monday

I really can not believe that it's Monday again ... and you know what that means ... "Not Me!" Monday.

And just so you know, I certainly did not do these things even thought it may appear as if I did on this illustrated version of Not Me! Monday.

  • I did not let my small child climb and spin around on my sister's coffee table. That would be just plain rude. Small children are NOT allowed to climb on the furniture and especially not in a loved one's home.

These photos are obviously just for demonstration purposes since this never happened. (And bonus points if you can see which football team we're rooting for in the photos below.)

  • I also did NOT let my child eat Smarties practically all the way home from my sister's house yesterday. That's a 3 1/2 hour trip and that would be waaaaay too many Smarties for a child to eat. That would probably cause tummy aches and rotten teeth and who knows what else. I would never do something like that just to get a little peace and quiet in the car.
This photo is a representation of the amount of candy that was NOT eaten in my car yesterday.

  • My husband did not clean the kitchen and fold three loads of laundry while we were gone this weekend! That would just be unbelievable so I'm sure it didn't really happen. Would that be super cool if it did happen?? Yes! (Thanks honey for doing all that work.)


In case you were wondering, we had an awesome time this weekend. More details to come in this next post.

Happy Monday everyone!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Girls Weekend #2

no image
This will be our second girls weekend in a row ... except there will be more girls this time. Emily and I are meeting Mom in Fayetteville and we're going to meet up with Heather (and Stephen) for a shopping (and hanging out) weekend. We do a shopping weekend every year about this time. Emily and I are totally excited. It should be a fun weekend hanging with Heather and Stephen.


I found the microwave mashed potatoes at the grocery store. I'll have to fix them next week and see how they turn out. Stay tuned!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

One Step Ahead

One Step Ahead
I felt like I was one step ahead of the game today. I got up this morning and put a roast and some carrots into the crockpot. When I got home tonight, I just had to fix some mashed potatoes and dinner was served!

Have you seen the commercial on TV for the microwave mashed potatoes? Have you tried it? I think I'm going to look for this at the grocery store and try it. Mike loves real mashed potatoes but I hate having to peel them and cut them up. If I can find them at the grocery store, I'll try them and post a review. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Welcome Home and Weird Food

Welcome Home and Weird Food
Mike and his parents made it safely home from Dallas yesterday. We went to our favorite Chinese restaurant as a "welcome home". We all had Hawaiian Chicken and eggrolls and fortune cookies. Yum! Good stuff.

Here's a picture of Emily enjoying her eggroll. Yes, she has it all over her face. Ha! The little Chinese lady who runs the place commented that Emily was so well behaved while we were there. *proud Mama*
When I go to a place like that, I'm always very careful about what I order. Some of that stuff .. I just have no idea what it might be. And I really don't like anything that has those baby corns in it. Something about them just kinda freaks me out. Can't explain it .. that's just the way it is.

Does anyone else have foods that weird them out? If so, I'd love to hear about it. Leave me a comment and tell me what it is.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Not Me! Monday ... yes, Monday

Not Me! Monday ... yes, Monday

I know that I already posted a Not Me! this week, but these were just too good to pass up ...

  • I do not sleep naked! *see story below*

  • I did not forget my laptop because I was in such a rush this morning to leave to take Emily to Aunt Charlene's house before I went to work.

  • I did not have to turn around and go back to get it.

  • I did not still make it to work only a few minutes later than usual this morning.

The Story

*This story takes place as Emily and I are going out to the car this morning.*

Me: "Emily, why is (your doll) Stephanie not wearing any clothes today?"

Emily: "She was DIRTY."

Me: "Oh, why was she dirty?"

Emily: "Mom, you sleep naked too!"

Me: "I DO NOT!!! What makes you say that??"

Emily: (laughing) "Yes you do!"

Me: (thinks) So. Not. Funny.

Can you relate to this "Kids say the darndest things" story? If so, post a comment and tell me about it!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Girls Weekend and Art Gallery

Girls Weekend and Art Gallery
This weekend, Emily and I got to spend some extra time together while Mike was out of town. We went to Gymnastics on Saturday morning and then to the library. Then we came home and did some coloring with a new Crayola Color Wonder coloring/fingerpaint set. It's supposedly mess free and only works with Color Wonder paper. Which it was not as messy as regular markers, it was still not mess free.

This morning, we went to church. Emily wore her new pumpkin jumper with an orange bow. (Is the orange bow a subtle support for the Oklahoma State Cowboys??)

This afternoon after we got home from church, we played our new Fishing game that we bought just for this Mom/Daughter time. As you can probably tell from these pictures, it's not as easy as it sounds. She really did try to catch some fishies, but it was pretty difficult. Can't you just see the concentration all over her face?Anyway, we had a good weekend together. We didn't do a whole lot, but it was still fun. I think Emily would say the same thing.

Art Gallery

As mentioned in a previous post, it was Fire Safety week at Emily's school last week. She made a very cute puppy with some fire safety tips. She colored the fire hat and put her fingerprints on the ears.
She also made this toilet paper roll fire truck.And this morning in Sunday School, she made this pumpkin. I guess the teachers were telling her that she was a pumpkin (because of her jumper) and she didn't like that comment too much. When I came to pick her up, she said she was NOT a pumpkin. She was a big girl named Emily.She also made this little girl with her sheep. If you look closely, you'll see that it's colored a little too precisely to be made by a three-year-old. It has some cute cotton balls on the sheep though.
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